I LOVE LOVE LOVE vacations and spending time with mi familia. Packing, I do not love. I especially hate the months of anticipation and preparation for a vacation and then the unavoidable last minute rush of packing. There are just so many things that you absolutely cannot pack until the very last minute. As I type this Brian is attempting to put ~200 lbs of clothes into 2 suitcases and a couple of 'carry-ons.' Since we're going in the RV we have more space than a regular airplane flight. Brian keeps telling me not to overthink it and that if we were flying it would be way more stressful. True enough. I think the problem is that it's cold as crap in the mountains in MT at night in the summer and hot during the days. You basically have to pack for two seasons. Add the fact that there are no washer/dryers at the cabin and this causes me to stress about the essentials. With a child with a severe case of eczema this is a little stressful. Isabel needs her clothes clean and dry and preferably organic cotton in nature or the little monster called eczema really flares up. I distinctly remember the only thing I wished I had packed more of last year are heavy sleepers. I tried to get loads of those ready for this trip, especially since Isabel leaks through her PJ's many times during the week.
I'm sure we'll eventually end up severely overpacking for the kids and having about 1 pair of underwear and 2 socks for ourselves. We'll manage. Helena is just 45 minutes away. As long as Grandma and Grandpa get there shit together and buy the AED I'll start to relax.
Once we get going I'm sure my heart palpitations and insomnia will relax. Kidding. Sort of. I'm looking forward to some fun motorcycle riding, hiking, diluted coffee drinking, pond gazing, bubble blowing, ball kicking, pinochle playing, belly laughing, and general running around like a kid with my kids, in Montana. One of the greatest places on the planet.