First look at the dolphin pool.
First up was dolphin cove. We didn't make it over there last time, so we made sure to head over there first. We had fun trying to coax one of the 10 or so dolphins over to play with us. While they came close, we didn't get a chance to touch one. The dolphin feeding time was 11:15am, so we headed over to the shark and aquarium building and checked that out. Isabel had a really good time and wanted to look in all of the fish tanks.
Watching the sharks.
We waited in line and bought our fish to feed the dolphins. Brian tossed the fish while Isabel watched and thought about touching a dolphin. We quickly ran out of fish and Brian took Logan to buy some more. While we were waiting for the guys to come back a nice lady who bought about 10 trays of fish invited us over to try and touch the dolphins she was feeding. With the very last fish Isabel was very brave and touched the dolphin! She was SO proud of herself. Bonus: we didn't have to buy more fish! Thanks nice lady!
Logan catching the dolphin action.
Brian feeding fish to the dolphins.
Cutest dolphin face evah.
That is one happy 2 year old!
Next up was lunch. On our way to lunch we headed into some strange trick or treating area for kids after the park attendants were all excited that there weren't any lines. It was pretty cool with lots of bubble machines going, painted pumpkins and really neat costumes. Isabel wouldn't have her picture taken with any of them though. They gave Izzy and Logan bags to collect candy. I'm happy to report that the candy was of the gummi variety and bananas. No peanut m&m's or anything. We still had to get rid of some stuff that was 'manufactured with peanuts.' On our way out we saw that there was a huge line to get in. Really glad we missed that.
Trick or Treating. Strange, pretty fish.
Pretty octopus lady.
Back to lunch. We had food that was slightly better than the nastiness we had last time. At least we had grapes and watermelon for Isabel and Logan. And our drink refills were only 99 cents. Score!
After lunch we went to the Azul show. It was really really neat. Logan was pretty happy about it, but Brian had to leave to let him run around for a bit in the middle. Once the flock of parrots came out and flew around the area he was mesmerized. I must admit that it was pretty cool. You don't often see parrots flying around in unison. Isabel was in awe of the entire thing. It was a lot of fun.
Logan looking at the banners on the ceiling before the show.
Isabel watching the show.
I really wish I could be this excited about watching whales and dolphins! This one makes me so happy.
Dancing with a Beluga Whale.
We were both pretty mesmerized.
Yay! Logan loved the birds.
Bye Bye Whale!
After Azul we went to the Count's Unhaunted House. It was fun. The best part was at the end there was this 3D talking pumpkin that interacted with Isabel. He asked her all kinds of questions and Isabel was talking up a storm back to him. She won't do it with real people, so it was really cute to watch her interact with this non threatening pumpkin.
The unhaunted house
Here's the talking pumpkin!
We took a quick detour to the penguin area. So cute!
We waited in line to ride Big Birds Egg ride. Brian took Isabel and I took Logan. Should not have taken Logan. Big mistake. He just wanted to stand up and he was required to sit strapped in. He screamed almost the entire time and it was HOT. I was getting pissed and just wanted the damn thing to be over with. Isabel had a good time though.
Looks innocent enough, right?!
Yay! We're happy and excited to be on the ride. 2.5 seconds later we had had enough.
Isabel is excited to be on her first ride.
Next up was the Bay of Play Sesame Street area. Isabel and Logan played on the playground for a while and then went to the splash area to cool off. Logan had a great time at the little tykes area. Basically 2 little splash things. Just his size and style. I took Isabel to see Abby, Telly, Cookie, and Zoe monsters. She was a little shy. We stayed to watch the Count, Elmo and Abby Halloween show. It was fun. They sang and danced to the 'Elmo Says Boo!' cd that I've been listening too since Vivian was a year and a half. I knew the words to the songs and sang along. I think Isabel got embarrassed and was ready to leave before the show ended.
Playing in the kiddie splash area.
Poor cookie monster just wanted a hug.
I don't want to touch you Abby, but I'll take your wand.
We were at Sea World for 5 1/2 hours this time. It was a pretty darn good day. The ride home was horrible, as usual. Two tired kiddos + no naps = insanity on the ride home. We popped a pizza in the oven, ate, got baths, watched a tiny bit of a show and the kids are both in bed asleep by 8pm.
This is what happens when you don't let your kid nap.
We asked Isabel what the dolphin felt like at dinner tonight and she told us 'like a rain coat.' Smart kid. :-)