We have a new parrot in the family. His name is Logan. He loves to repeat everything we say, but especially everything Isabel says. I'll be like "Logan, say yellow. Logan, say YELLOW. Logan, say YEL-LOW." Nothing. But if Isabel says "Log, say yellow," he goes "Yewwow." It's so funny!
This week has been one of those awesomely bad weeks. It was the prefect combination of me being in a completely shitty mood, lack of sleep, Logan being crazy and Isabel being moody. I was so tired this morning that I turned my alarm off. Something I never do. I then thought I heard it later and hit snooze. I usually hit snooze and then think about getting up and just end up getting up 2 minutes later. So I hit snooze, got up and got ready. I went to leave and noticed that the clock said 6am. My spin class starts at 5:30am. Apparently I turned the alarm off, hallucinated that I heard the alarm again, hit snooze and then got up. That is a sign of sleep deprivation. I still went to the gym and did 4 little miles, but it wasn't the same as my awesome Friday spin class. Soooo, my morning did not start off right.
I decided we would go to Whole Foods (the Whole Foods Worldwide Headquarters, woohoo!) and I would let the kids play on the playground that's on the outside of the 2nd floor and then we would get the ingredients for homemade nut-free granola bars. I took the kids to the playground but Logan decided he would just try to jump go over the railing and jump off of the 2nd floor outdoor deck. It was me constantly redirecting him to the very nice playground with very nice kids over and over and over again. I finally had had enough and told them we were going in the store.
I try to avoid Whole Foods like the plague. It's so damn expensive and filled with patchouli smelling hippies and Emo kids who roll up in their brand new MDX's and BMW's that they clearly didn't pay for with their hard earned money. I digress. Anyway, that store is FILLED with nuts. There are nuts everywhere. It was like a freaking mine field. I was constantly telling Isabel not to touch anything. I finally stopped and had a serious discussion about what would happen if she touched peanuts. It involved the hospital, doctors and shots. A woman overheard and was horrified. The 'N' word is not allowed in Whole Foods. By 'N' word I mean the word no.
I finally get what we need and am waiting in the longest line possible for Whole Foods. Some woman who was clearly 'sticking it to the man' by paying with a damn check was holding things up. They have these cookies decorated in the shapes of purses and stilettos near the checkout stand. Isabel tries to grab them and I give her the look. She's like 'oh, there are peanuts in there.' I was ready to tell her yes, but I saw that the wrapper said NUT-FREE! It said 'made in a completely nut free factory.' Hooray! I was so excited and told her and Logan they could each have one after lunch. So I put my oat meal, laundry detergent and cookies on the belt and was told I owed $37. Excuse me? 37 freaking dollars?!? Those cookies were apparently coated in gold and platinum. Then the gem of the day came out of this dudes mouth. He asked me if I was trying to get Logan to 'cry it out to go to sleep.' Yes, yes I am attempting to let my son cry it out in a GROCERY STORE. A+ dude, A+.
We got home, made the granola bars and Isabel declares 'they're yucky' and Logan spits his out. Win! Guess it's back to Strawberry Nutrigrain bars for us.