Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Logan's 2nd Birthday

I haven't blogged in so long!  Almost every day I think about it, but then something comes up.  My little nap in the afternoon is way too important to interrupt.  If I miss it, I'm basically non-functional after 6pm.  Going from 8-9, sometimes 10 hours of sleep in my post college, pre kid days to 5- 5 1/2 hours of sleep sucks.  I'm still not used to it.  But, I feel much better after getting in a good workout in the morning and a shower, so I will continue to set the alarm for 4:40am each morning.

Logan turned 2 years old on May 16th!  We has a little cupcake for him at home and then had a family birthday party in Houston on May 19th.  Family, friends swimming, BBQ and cake makes for a great party!

Logan's Birth Day.  10lbs 2 oz!
Logan's 1st Birthday
Logan's 2nd Birthday

Logan is 75th percentile for both height and weight now.  He swings all over the charts.  I'm not sure if the nurses just don't get accurate measurements for his height or if he just grows in crazy spurts.  I did recently notice that he suddenly is almost outgrowing some of his 2T things.  Just a couple of months ago they were too big.  I brought up Logan's apparent delay in speech, his insane meltdowns and his severe separation anxiety to his pediatrician again.  I'm not so concerned with his language.  Vivian and Isabel were both later talkers, but his constant meltdowns and other behavior is concerning.  I'm still trying to figure out if it's just that he's a boy and is doing what boys do or if something is not wrong.  The doctor is pretty certain that Logan is developing normally, but after seeing him at the very beginning of a meltdown he finally mentioned that a 2nd opinion is always a good idea if I felt like something was wrong.  So we have a referral to see a developmental neurologist.  In September.  Most of the time I feel like he's ok and just a normal 2 year old boy, but some days Brian and I both just shake our heads and wonder what the heck is going on with him.  I would just hate for their to be an unaddressed problem that we didn't have early intervention for and then remember 'yeah, I always wondered if he might have had a problem' down the line.  So there's that.

We did finally make the decision to turn Logan forward facing about a week ago.  I really really struggled with this one.  I know that it's much safer for him to be rear facing in an accident and since he hasn't outgrown the weight restrictions on facing backwards, I wanted to keep him that way for as long as we could.  It really just came down to the fact that with his INCESSANT screaming every single time I put him in the car and making the ride pretty much unbearable for anyone else in the car and very distracting for the driver I honestly felt like it was safer to turn him around.  I can't tell you how many times I twisted around to pass him a paci, cup, hold his hand, etc etc and I know that wasn't safe driving behavior.  Since turning him around things have been much smoother.  He doesn't scream every time, just about 75% of the time, but I'll take it!!!!  I thought it would magically make Vivian and Isabel like riding in the car when I turned them around, but it didn't, so I wasn't prepared for Logan to suddenly stop crying altogether, but I appreciate at least 2 minutes of quiet.  I can also hand him things much easier.

Speaking of cars, Brian's car was totaled.  Hopefully we'll get the check from the insurance company tomorrow and he can get something else.  Some guy pulled out in front of Brian and Brian hit him.  The guy drove off.  Turns out it probably worked out better for us this way as Brian only had liability coverage on his car, so now it's covered under uninsured motorist.  Hooray!

Here is a massive photo dump.

Mother's Day 2012
Crazy Colors Day at school

Mother's Day

May 16th 2012

Blowing out the candles

Awkward self timed photo

Logan at his birthday party

Isabel rock jumping

Blowing out the candles on his Lightening McQueen cake

Lounging with Grandpa

Logan crying because someone other than Mom or Dad is holding him.

Happy 10 year anniversary to us!

Isabel showing off her 'muscle power!'

Logan admiring baby Valentina

I love Izzy's face.  She is not impressed.

Getting ready for her first ballet class.

Aunt Jenn's monthly photo

Cute boy!  My camera flash is still not working correctly.  :-(
We're still waiting on rain.  Storms are cropping up all over Texas tonight, but nothing for us.  :-(  I just hope we get some rain while we're away on vacation.  We're heading up North to Montana for almost a month!  Of course Brian won't be able to join us for the whole time, but he'll be flying up to meet us.  I can't wait!  Cool weather, family, RVing, cabins, cool weather, cool weather.....  We had our first 100 degree day of the summer yesterday.  Not ready for it.