We had a great time trick-or-treating Sunday night! We spend the day beautiful day in Fredricksburg with Grandma and Grandpa. Brian and Grandpa went to a museum for about 3.5 hours while Grandma and Allyson walked around. Isabel did pretty well until the end of the day when she got very tired. Logan didn't sleep much, but was ok if he was being held. I've decided that it takes at least 3 adults to shop with the kids. You need 1 adult/kid plus one adult for stroller duty. I think Brian appreciated some adult time to look at the war museum. One day Allyson will get her time....one day. Just kidding.....but not really.
When we got home at 6pm there were already kids out trick-or-treating. Since I didn't want to buy candy early and end up eating it I rushed off to HEB to get candy. They were OUT of the bagged candy. I had to spend $$$ on the nice full-sized stuff. We had some very happy trick-or-treaters at our house! Isabel was a very adorable flower. Another great costume by Grandma! She was pretty excited to pick out her candy and put it in her bag. She was really getting into it and was even acting like the super scary house across the street was no big deal until she saw the ghost lady with beady eyes that swayed. I carried her up to the 'witch' to get candy and the witch gave her a lollipop, so she was once again content and was digging Halloween. Logan dressed up in the skunk costume and looked ridiculously cute.
Yesterday at school I got a call from the director. I was thinking 'oh no, she's done it now. I wonder how many times she bit today.' I was wrong. She got her finger pinched in the back side (the side with the hinges) of a door. Apparently it was pretty bad and they had to open the door to get her finger out. I rushed over there to pick her up and found her pretty upset but letting Ms. Nicole put ice on it. I got her in the car and gave her a juice box and she seemed to be doing better, but the finger looked bad so I called and got an appointment to see the doctor. The doctor said he can't really tell by looking at it, but wanted us to get it x-rayed if she was still having a hard time by Wednesday. It still looks pretty bad, but Izzy is moving it and doesn't seem to be too bothered by it, so I'm going to skip the x-ray this time. All of her teachers called to see how she was doing and felt very bad. Brian said it was some form of baptist corporal punishment for her biting. Sometimes Brian is mildly funny.
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