I had to post about Isabel and her talking skillz. She's really starting to put words together and it's so cute to watch her search her brain for the right word. Last night she was trying to tell Brian that we had to cut Tank's walk short because he pooped on the leash and we needed to wash it. This is what came out. Ank (Tank) wak (walk) eesh (leash) poop (she's got that word down) ash (wash). She has to pause a second between each word to think about it, but you can really see her vocabulary and verbal skills building. It's hard not to compare your kids to other kids and we all know that each child develops differently, etc etc. Einstein didn't talk until he was 3, blah blah blah, but we all do it anyway. I've been getting updates on FB and other blog sites about how Isabel's friends are talking and what they're saying and it's been going on for a LONG time. I was starting to think that maybe Isabel was a little behind the curve. We recently saw some of these genius kids. I'm not saying that the moms are making this stuff up that they post, I'll just say that Isabel does not appear to be behind her peers. One little toddler really is ahead of the curve and just makes everyone else look a little slow. :) We've also been practicing our counting. Isabel does a good job of 3-10 and then makes some sounds for the teens. She's like 'shehs-teen' bloobloo-teen' 'mmmeee-teen.' Pretty cute. It's funny to hear her copy the inflections in my voice.
Logan likes to do somersaults all over the place. He gets up on his feet, puts his hands down by his head and puts the crown of his head on the floor and then waits for us to flip him over. He's do this anywhere. We try to move him to the carpet or run before his acrobatic tricks, but sometimes he will not be denied. He loves to dance, especially when he makes a toy turn on and play music.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Saturday, April 16, 2011
First Steps and Strawberry Picking!
Logan took his first steps tonight! He walked from Dad to Mom with lots of prompting and encouragement. Isabel then had to 'learn' to walk again.
We went to Sweet Berry Farm in Marble Falls today to do some strawberry picking. We ate at a restaurant on the river and had a great time. Both kiddos were great and had fun looking at the boats on the water. We got to the farm a little late for good picking. I guess it's best to get there right when they open. We managed to pick about half a bin of berries before Isabel told us she was done. We got some homemade strawberry ice cream and called it a day. The ride home was relaxing and pleasant with Isabel and Logan competing for who could scream and cry the loudest. I think Izzy one that battle. She finally passed out for about 20 minutes, but Logan stayed awake the entire time. I swear, that kid's ability to stay awake in the car is amazing. We got home well past nap time. We put Isabel in the tub and tried to get her to sleep for a little bit. Logan took about a 30 minute nap. They JUST went to bed, about an hour late. Hopefully they'll sleep in a little tomorrow. I'm tired for them.

Logan in his fine ride.

Isabel got a little dirty.

Helping Mom find some berries.

If you stick your tongue out while dropping the strawberries in the basket it makes them taste better. True story.

Hey, that's not a strawberry.

Phew. All that picking worked up an appetite.

Despite the massive amounts of sugar from the berries and ice cream and the ridiculous amounts of screaming on the way home, Izzy finally gave it up and started snoring with about 10 minutes left to go on the ride home.
PS- Thanks Grammy for the perfect outfit for strawberry picking!
We went to Sweet Berry Farm in Marble Falls today to do some strawberry picking. We ate at a restaurant on the river and had a great time. Both kiddos were great and had fun looking at the boats on the water. We got to the farm a little late for good picking. I guess it's best to get there right when they open. We managed to pick about half a bin of berries before Isabel told us she was done. We got some homemade strawberry ice cream and called it a day. The ride home was relaxing and pleasant with Isabel and Logan competing for who could scream and cry the loudest. I think Izzy one that battle. She finally passed out for about 20 minutes, but Logan stayed awake the entire time. I swear, that kid's ability to stay awake in the car is amazing. We got home well past nap time. We put Isabel in the tub and tried to get her to sleep for a little bit. Logan took about a 30 minute nap. They JUST went to bed, about an hour late. Hopefully they'll sleep in a little tomorrow. I'm tired for them.
Logan in his fine ride.
Isabel got a little dirty.
Helping Mom find some berries.
If you stick your tongue out while dropping the strawberries in the basket it makes them taste better. True story.
Hey, that's not a strawberry.
Phew. All that picking worked up an appetite.
Despite the massive amounts of sugar from the berries and ice cream and the ridiculous amounts of screaming on the way home, Izzy finally gave it up and started snoring with about 10 minutes left to go on the ride home.
PS- Thanks Grammy for the perfect outfit for strawberry picking!
Friday, April 15, 2011
Isabel is two! And Logan can wave!
Yay! Isabel is TWO!

Isabel on her actual birthday.

We almost had a candle incident! She got a little close when blowing them out!
Happy Birthday to Isabel! She's a big 2 year old now. We celebrated with Grammy, Papaw, Aunt Jennifer and friend Allison. We had a BBQ and a Clifford the Big Red Dog cake and ice cream. Isabel loved the cake and called it 'piece,' as in 'piece' of cake. She loved her balloons and presents.

Isabel before bed on the last day she was a 1 year old.

Day before her birthday. Her outfit she wore to school.

Isabel busy helping to make cupcakes for her class.

Helping to make her Clifford cake.

Birthday Girl!

Isabel had her 2 year checkup and is doing great. She's around the 50th percentile for height and 75th for weight. She got to stand on the big scale, so it was a big day. When you turn 2 you also get a token for the prize machine, so that was exciting. Izzy saw the cardiologist today and things look good. Her EKG was normal, which was reassuring for us since her movement monitor false alarmed last night. Not sure what happened, but we flipped the light on and she was in the middle of the crib responsive but sleepy. It was not a normal occurrence for it to go off like that. It's only false alarmed once before when she was stretched out right next to the crib railing and out of the sensor pad's range of detection. Dr. Finnegan said he's not worried about her and that she doesn't have to go back until her 4th birthday when she'll get another ECHO. He's such a fantastic doctor that Isabel gave him a hug after her checkup and wouldn't put her shirt back on. I think she wanted him to check on her heart all day! Just like last year Izzy has terrible mosquito bites from being outside for just a few minutes. She's like mosquito cake or something. Poor thing gets terrible welts and itches them until they bleed. We have numerous bandaids covering her body today.
Logan has learned how to wave, but he usually only does it in the high chair. His favorite thing to do is still 'so big!' He also does this thing where he exaggeratedly shakes his head 'no' and looks at the ground. It's very cute. He loves to crawl up the stairs, but doesn't yet understand that the floor is hard. Logan is the proud owner of 4 and 2 halves teeth. He finally got the two front teeth a little while ago. He's working on one next to the front and a molar up top. He likes to spend his spare time drooling.

Isabel on her actual birthday.
We almost had a candle incident! She got a little close when blowing them out!
Happy Birthday to Isabel! She's a big 2 year old now. We celebrated with Grammy, Papaw, Aunt Jennifer and friend Allison. We had a BBQ and a Clifford the Big Red Dog cake and ice cream. Isabel loved the cake and called it 'piece,' as in 'piece' of cake. She loved her balloons and presents.
Isabel before bed on the last day she was a 1 year old.
Day before her birthday. Her outfit she wore to school.
Isabel busy helping to make cupcakes for her class.
Helping to make her Clifford cake.
Birthday Girl!
Isabel had her 2 year checkup and is doing great. She's around the 50th percentile for height and 75th for weight. She got to stand on the big scale, so it was a big day. When you turn 2 you also get a token for the prize machine, so that was exciting. Izzy saw the cardiologist today and things look good. Her EKG was normal, which was reassuring for us since her movement monitor false alarmed last night. Not sure what happened, but we flipped the light on and she was in the middle of the crib responsive but sleepy. It was not a normal occurrence for it to go off like that. It's only false alarmed once before when she was stretched out right next to the crib railing and out of the sensor pad's range of detection. Dr. Finnegan said he's not worried about her and that she doesn't have to go back until her 4th birthday when she'll get another ECHO. He's such a fantastic doctor that Isabel gave him a hug after her checkup and wouldn't put her shirt back on. I think she wanted him to check on her heart all day! Just like last year Izzy has terrible mosquito bites from being outside for just a few minutes. She's like mosquito cake or something. Poor thing gets terrible welts and itches them until they bleed. We have numerous bandaids covering her body today.
Logan has learned how to wave, but he usually only does it in the high chair. His favorite thing to do is still 'so big!' He also does this thing where he exaggeratedly shakes his head 'no' and looks at the ground. It's very cute. He loves to crawl up the stairs, but doesn't yet understand that the floor is hard. Logan is the proud owner of 4 and 2 halves teeth. He finally got the two front teeth a little while ago. He's working on one next to the front and a molar up top. He likes to spend his spare time drooling.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Are we better yet?
I think we're getting there! There has been no vomit or diarrhea for over 24 hours! Yay! We all still have runny noses (except for Isabel), but other than than we seem to be on the mend. Phew! That was the sickest I've been in a long long time. It called for a celebration today so Brian bought and assembled some adirondack chairs for the neglected upstairs deck. We sat out there while the kiddos were napping for approximately 10 minutes until Brian's allergies got so bad that we had to come inside. I'm ready for the oak trees to stop blooming now. Vacuuming the floors 2x's a day is getting old! I'm about to ban Tank from going outside. It's too bad since the weather has been great, but Isabel just can't be outside for too long with this pollen.
Today we actually hit up Chipotle for lunch and had a good time. I wanted to go to Homegoods but Brian texted me 5 minutes in and said Logan was done. He stayed in the car with both kids (his idea) and realized that was a mistake. I came out to find Isabel 'driving' the car and Logan looking very pissed off.
Brian is getting us HEB sushi for dinner tonight. Woohoo!
Today we actually hit up Chipotle for lunch and had a good time. I wanted to go to Homegoods but Brian texted me 5 minutes in and said Logan was done. He stayed in the car with both kids (his idea) and realized that was a mistake. I came out to find Isabel 'driving' the car and Logan looking very pissed off.
Brian is getting us HEB sushi for dinner tonight. Woohoo!
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