We went to Sweet Berry Farm in Marble Falls today to do some strawberry picking. We ate at a restaurant on the river and had a great time. Both kiddos were great and had fun looking at the boats on the water. We got to the farm a little late for good picking. I guess it's best to get there right when they open. We managed to pick about half a bin of berries before Isabel told us she was done. We got some homemade strawberry ice cream and called it a day. The ride home was relaxing and pleasant with Isabel and Logan competing for who could scream and cry the loudest. I think Izzy one that battle. She finally passed out for about 20 minutes, but Logan stayed awake the entire time. I swear, that kid's ability to stay awake in the car is amazing. We got home well past nap time. We put Isabel in the tub and tried to get her to sleep for a little bit. Logan took about a 30 minute nap. They JUST went to bed, about an hour late. Hopefully they'll sleep in a little tomorrow. I'm tired for them.
Logan in his fine ride.
Isabel got a little dirty.
Helping Mom find some berries.
If you stick your tongue out while dropping the strawberries in the basket it makes them taste better. True story.
Hey, that's not a strawberry.
Phew. All that picking worked up an appetite.
Despite the massive amounts of sugar from the berries and ice cream and the ridiculous amounts of screaming on the way home, Izzy finally gave it up and started snoring with about 10 minutes left to go on the ride home.
PS- Thanks Grammy for the perfect outfit for strawberry picking!
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