Picnic for dinner.
We give Isabel a potty m&m (used to be m&m's, but they 'may contain peanuts,' so now they are jelly beans) when she goes potty on the big girl potty. This plan has completely back fired and I'm really regretting the whole potty=reward potty training system. Basically Isabel goes potty when she wants candy. Logan has realized where the potty m&m's are kept and will go over to the oven and stand and point to the cabinet where we keep them grunting until he gets one. Isabel now needs her potty m&m and a 'match.' She's been playing a memory game and gets all excited about matching, so matching jelly beans is a must. Jelly beans are way more economical than the SIXTY SIX FREAKING DOLLAR nut-free m&m's I purchased online. Brian will never let me forget that moment of weakness (but my child must never be denied the pleasure of m&m's. It's child abuse!). Vermont Nut Free Chocolates-fool me once, etc etc.
This weekend Grammy and Papaw came into town. It was originally supposed to help us out watching the kids while we car shopped. Since we bought a car last weekend we didn't need to go on any test drives. Papaw was kind enough to drive Brian's car back to Austin and Grammy got stuck driving by herself in downtown H-town traffic on Friday afternoon to come visit. Uncle Matt took Brian's car to Houston a couple of weeks ago when he was in town and the water pump went out on his way back to Austin. The car was stuck in Houston for repairs.
Since we didn't have to car shop we headed to Jester King Brewery for a tour and some beers. It was really a fun atmosphere with great craft beer. We all know how much of a beer snob Brian is, so he was especially excited to hit the brewery. We also managed to catch a movie. 'Contagion' was good, but I thought it was sort of like an immunology for dummies class. I did appreciate that it was very real and that they didn't try to make it all Hollywood with car chases and things getting blown up. We could be very very close to something like that happening. I don't know how many people realize how close we are. I have face masks in my pantry. I could go on and on about the movie and my thoughts about it and vaccines, but I won't.
I realized that we didn't even take 1 picture this weekend while Grammy and Papaw were here. Logan has been incredibly high maintenance these past few months and it takes so much energy just to make sure his needs are somewhat being met. Thankfully Isabel is becoming more helpful and is biting much less. She's started pushing Logan, but I'll take that over biting any day. Pushing is still not acceptable (obviously), but I'm not constantly worried that she'll take a chunk out of Logan's arm 24/7. She's still working on self control, but it's getting better. Her vocabulary has exploded and she's talking in sentences and is expressing herself very well.
Logan likes to go over to the pantry and knock on the door for a snack. He's definitely figured out where the food in the house is kept. He needs almost constant interaction, so that's been challenging for me. Washing dishes, getting meals ready, doing laundry, etc are all huge challenges for me since it's play with Logan or hear screaming. I'm hoping that this is a short phase. He's back to napping 2x's a day regularly, so that's been very nice.
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