Saturday, January 28, 2012


This is what Brian says to me when Logan does something particulary eyebrow-raising. Tonight he was actin' a fool and spinning around until he got dizzy, stumbled around, and then spun some more. He rolled around on the carpet for a while and then wanted a horsey ride. When he decides that it's nap/bed time he'll just lay down on the ground wherever he is. At the park, in the store, in the family room, etc etc. He said a few more words tonight. Poopoo, balloon and something else I can't recall.

Isabel is feeling a bit better. No more fever. Still on rescue asthma drugs and inhaled steroids. I imagine we'll be keeping her on the steroids for at least another month, but only 1-2x's a day. We have got to get her inflammation under control. We were doing it 1x/day since her attack in December, but I think she needs 2x/day, especially with it being stupid cedar season. Austin is SO bad for allergies.

I did my last solo long run before the marathons. 21 long miles. I downloaded a short story that I listened to for about an hour and a half. It made the miles fly by. I finished up another audiobook and then turned on the music. There were a ton of people on the trail finishing up their long runs before the Austin Marathon in 2 weeks. I didn't have to brave East Austin by myself, so that was nice. It was the perfect morning for a long run. Clear and cool. I had on tights, compression socks, long sleeve shirt, jacket, ear warmers, and gloves for 10 miles and then ditched the jacket and ear warmers. I feel suprisingly great after the run. No 'hot' spots like I normally get and no soreness yet. Just tired. Probably doesn't help that I haven't had much sleep this week. I must say, I dread and really look forward to my long long runs. Having almost 4 hours to myself to focus on myself is pretty boss. It does kill a Saturday pretty quickly, so I think this might be my last marathon season for a while. I honestly missed the kiddos badly around mile 12. I just wanted to be home hanging out with my family. I'm very proud of my accomplishmet though. A 21 mile run is nothing to scoff at, and I need to remember that. Regardless of what happens on February 19th, I've put some serious miles in. Even with my very (very!) reduced weekday schedule I've still sacrificed precious family time for my fitness goals. It's now time to put up or shut up.

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