Eeyore's birthday was Saturday. We got there nice and early and planned on staying just until the super crazy drunk naked idiots came out. Apparently they start arriving at 1:30pm. It was fun for a few hours. Isabel and Logan both got their faces painted and hair sprayed pink and red. Logan was getting a temporary tattoo and the guy took literally 10 minutes and went through 2 tattoos to try and get it on. It's a temporary tattoo. Not that difficult. He told us that volunteers get free beer. Ah ha. That explains why putting a little sticker on a kid was so difficult. Logan was so patient but I was like 'dude, PLEASE hurry this up.'
The nice thing about the party is that it's free and they let pretty much any organization set up a food tent or tent to sell stuff. So we had inexpensive lunch that actually benefited a cause. Love that. After we participated in the May Pole (is that supposed to be capitalized?) and saw some of the drum circle we left. It was fun!
Sunday we just did house and lawn work and then used a Groupon at Cafe Buenos Aires. It was SO good. They make homemade chicken nuggets for the kids meals. Delicious.
The pictures are out of order once again. I just don't have any more efforts to put forth to get them in order. Sorry.
Isabel made flags out of toilet paper rolls. So cute and creative. |
Logan saying hi after getting his face painted. |
Just a random piece of 'art.' |
The start of Isabel's face painting. |
End of the May Pole. |
Isabel getting reminded that she can't have everything she wants all the time. |
May Pole! |
Before Buenos Aires Cafe. |
Logan letting the tattoo 'artist' know where he wants his pirate tattoo. |
Try #1 |
Brian: Listen kids. Look at the freaking camera so Mom can get one damn picture. |
Isabel before Buenos Aires Cafe. |
Brian next to Statue of Eeyore. |
Captain Logan. |
Logan: Seriously......this tattoo has taken 10 minutes man! |
Square hair. |
Drum circle. About time the nudies came out. We left about 2 seconds later. |
Someone had a lot of fun! |
You are beautiful as always and it looks like everyone had a great time.