After hearing a few people rave about this swim teacher in Austin who goes by Ms Cathy I decided to look up her info and see what it was all about. She teaches a two week, 8 class session and says kids will be swimming at the end. Ok.
I signed up, wrote my check and tried to not forget about what time I was supposed to be there. We started Monday. It was pure chaos. 15-16 screaming kids. Logan and Isabel were actually fine the first 10 minutes or so but then decided they needed to scream and cry along with the rest of the kids. At one point while I was assisting Logan little Isabel decided to try and climb over the fence to escape. Twice. It would have been pretty funny had I not been by myself trying to manage a 3 and 4 year old. It was actually still pretty funny. Ms Cathy said it looked like some of the people she cancelled showed up since the limit on class size is 11 kids. I was afraid Logan wasn't going to talk to me ever again. He was not amused and wasn't hysterical like I expected. He just looked betrayed. It was worse than hysterics.
So Tuesday we head over there and both the kids are like "NO! I'm not going!" I was expecting freak outs and melt downs, but somehow it didn't happen! It was like night and day. There were only 11 kids there and all but one sweet little boy were relatively calm. Logan demanded that I carry him the entire time, but when it was time I tossed him in the water as he was ok. Very few tears. Wednesday was great. I still held Logan, but Isabel was jumping in by herself and she actually used her arms one time to swim! She did it just once, but I was so proud!
Thursday we went and the kids were actually excited to go. I still had to toss Logan because he wouldn't jump in on his own, but he didn't have to be carried around by me. I told Isabel that if she used her arms to swim I would give her a yellow oreo (the 'spring' ones). It worked! She used those little arms and AMAZED everyone. For a few minutes I was picturing her winning gold at the Olympics. :-) And I'm sorry I'm not sorry that I used food to bribe my kid. They got to jump off the waterfall and swim to Ms. Cathy. Isabel did great. I'm almost to the point of saying that she's swimming on her own! Logan did great too, but he still needs help. Isabel was his biggest cheerleader. It was so cute to see her cheering him on "Go Logan! You can do it buddy! You're almost to the wall!" I must get some video. I can't wait for next week.
Swim lessons day 1. |
He was a little worn out. |
Swim lessons Day 2. |
Swim lessons Day 4. I love how Tank is like 'uh, you ok?' |
Today Isabel's BFF came over for a few hours to play. I loved that they could occupy themselves for 4 hours straight, but the constant chatter was making me a little batty. Two bossy pants little girls right here. They can usually work out their disagreements by themselves, which is great. Little Logan just wanted they to play trains with them. They were more into playing 'sleepover' and trying to curl Izzy's hair. So Mommy ended up playing trains for a good 2-3 hours. When your kids grabs your hand and says 'Mommy, play with me please!' you play!
'Decorating' the fence. |
BFFs |
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