Thursday, January 16, 2014

Egg Muffins

I made these egg muffins the other day and they were a big hit.  Logan has been calling them cupcakes.  Fine by me!  Sure, you can have a cupcake.  I modified a few different recipes (can't find the links!) and have made a couple of batches fiddling around with ingredients.

Egg muffins
Makes approximately 12

6 eggs
1c liquid egg whites
Turkey sausage fully cooked (or bacon or ham or whatever you feel like). 4 links
Green onions - 2 diced
Sharp cheddar cheese - about 1/2 cup.
These are approximately 110 calories each depending on how much cheese you use.

Wisk the eggs and add in egg whites.  Dice the sausage or whatever meat you're using (can also omit meat).  Be sure the meat is cooked thoroughly.  I bought precooked turkey sausage to make it super easy.  I used enough for 2 servings.  Dice the green onions.
Spray baking cups with cooking spray.  I used silicon baking cups and put them on a cookie sheet.  So much cleaner and easier then filling muffin pans.  I got some on amazon for like $5, but I've seen them at the grocery store too.  Of you can use a regular muffin pan.  Put some of the diced meat in each cup.  Then put the green onions.  Then sprinkle a little cheese and finally pour egg mix to almost fill muffins.

Bake at 375 for 25 minutes.  I popped them out of the baking cups when they cooled.  I tried storing them in the freezer and microwaving when needed, but it didn't turn out well.  I store them in the fridge and microwave for 17 seconds.  Yummy!  They've only lasted a couple of days in our house so I'm not sure how long they will keep in the fridge.
I used 1/2 a diced bell pepper in this batch, but I prefer the green onion.

And some picture of the kids...because , well, they're cute.  Despite waking up 6 times last night.  SIX!!!
He needs a bike!
Those boots!
Logan with the girlies.

1 comment:

  1. those usually keep a couple of days in the fridge fine but I freeze and reheat and just as good :)
