Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Crowe's Nest Farm aka the field trip from hell

Ok, so it wasn't that bad.  But seriously.  Taking an autistic child out of their routine is pretty much torture.  Logan kept asking to go to the car.  All of the other kids were so excited to 1) have ridden an actual school bus (many for the 1st time).  2). To be on a real farm!  3). To not be in school!

Logan.  Not so much.  I don't know if me being there was a help or hinderance.  I just never know.

 Fuck you and this stupid fucking 'field trip.'
No.  I don't care how we get milk from a cow.  Quite frankly I think it's gross.  This whole thing is gross.  Can we leave?

Ok.  I sorta wanna see this old ass turkey with the gross bead things in his chest.
Ew.  Never mind.
Yep.  Obligatory picture with me and a stupid miniature horse.  Happy now?
Hansel and Gretel?  I dunno. But all I know is that I tripped because you told me to go over there for a picture and I tried to go take that damn peppermint candy from them.  Happy moms?!
Rapunzel.  Aka this is so fucking stupid.
Yep.  Peace out.  Don't make me do this agian.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Team Meeting

We had our ABA team meeting tonight.  It was encouraging to see all of the progress Logan has been making.  We definitely have new and exciting challenges that have popped up recently.  Once you think you finally managed to handle/control one thing something else comes along to throw you for a loop.  I supposed that's parenting with a NT child too, right?

I thought I had plenty of time to finish up some cleaning and laundry and get some dishes started tomorrow until I realized that I volunteered to chaperone Logan's field trip.  Tomorrow.  Darn it!

Sunday, November 22, 2015


Yesterday after soccer we had grand plans of cleaning things out.  It didn't happen.  We were cold and the smells of cranberry sauce and Korean short ribs in the crock pot made us lazy.  Christmas movies felt oh so right.

So today we knew we needed to get things done.  Right after soccer we ran over to our appointment with Caring Santa.  Amazing!  
There were even cute crafts for the kids to do and coffee for the adults!

After Santa pics we had lunch at Isabel's choice, Waterloo.  The kids had fun playing in the play structure before we put the hammer down and told them it was cleaning time.

The oven is finally clean!
It's beautiful.  I would have taken a 'before' photo but it was truly disgusting.

I also finally cleaned out the freezer.  A bottle of wine exploded in there about 8 months ago and I had yet to clean it out. Gross, I know.  Today was the day!
It doesn't look like much, but there was an impressive layer of ice down there.

And the study.  My nemesis.


Saturday, November 21, 2015

Korean short ribs, cranberry sauce and soccer

We had a very chilly (ok, not that chilly. 60 degrees with wind) soccer game this morning.  Izzy played great.  
Trying to stay warm.
The blanket was a bigger attraction than the game.

I made Korean short ribs and another batch of cranberry sauce in the crock pot.  Both were amazing.  I printed out Thanksgivkng recipes and we started grocery shopping.  Bought our 16.91lb fresh turkey 

and felt slightly robbed with the price tag.  I'm going to brine it like I did the last time I hosted (about 11 years ago!)

Some photos from the park yesterday.

Thursday, November 19, 2015


How is it one week away from Thanksgiving?!  Usually I'm completely Christmas ready and have been for a month by now.  Not this year.  I was shocked to hear that one of the local stations is playing 24 hours of Christmas music already.  And by shocked I mean, positively thrilled and freaked out!

It's sped, TA, etc appreciation week at school this week.  So I'm bringing everyone lunch tomorrow and gave Kathy and Jane flowers.  They sell the cutest little bunch of flowers at HEB for $15.  Perfect!

Today I went to a PTA meeting and then worked in the workroom for a few hours. I'm feeling about 70% better.  Still getting tired really easily, but luckily laminating and copying aren't that strenuous.  Met up with the kids for lunch.  The cafeteria does a Thanksgiving feast a week before Thanksgiving, so that was today.  Logan had his turkey lunch, but Izzy ended up with a bean burrito.  ðŸ˜‚. It was fun to have lunch with the kids.  It's been a little while.

Still don't have that damn study cleaned out yet.  I find a million things to do instead.  Today it was 6 loads of laundry. 
One day.  One day.  I'm coming for you!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Z Pack

Best feeling in the world?  When you've been sick for 2 weeks and finally go to the doctor and get some hope that you can knock out your crud by Thanksgiving.  Also, when your husband comes home unexpectedly an hour early just in time to give the kids baths.

I've been sick, but have had so many ideas for stuff that I want to get done.  It's not fair!  Motivation, but no energy.  I did almost get the study cleaned out.  20% left to do.  I better feel good enough to get it done this week.

Tomorrow Logan goes in to get the happy juice and gas and get his cap replaced.  Oh joy.  I also have my first ever special needs parent meeting at Kiker!  I couldn't miss it, but I can only go for a few minutes before I need to take Logan to his dentist appointment.

I did my first solo meals on wheels run Monday.  Went great!  I didn't get lost and think I delivered all the meals correctly.  Last time we had to go back because we forgot to deliver 2 hot meals.  Oops.  Luckily our clients didn't mind and I think one of them secretly was happy we had to go back.  She's a doll.

Workroom and PTA meetings this week.  Probably should just take a nap instead.

Too funny not to share.

And some pretty sunset pictures:

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Follow up

We had Logan's follow up ARD.  It went fine.  Hopefully everyone is on the same page.

Logan had his EEG in the hospital.  The results came back normal.  You're welcome for that BMW car payment Dr. P.

Logan is having one of his molar caps replaced this week under sedation.  You're welcome for that Audi car payment Mr. J.

Report cards came out a couple of weeks ago. Both kids did really well.  I'm very proud of how hard they both work.

We are in full on panic Thanksgiving mode. Less than 2 weeks away!  We have been doing some DIY craft projects.  One last week was a complete failure.  I wish I would have taken a picture.  Pitiful.  Isabel and I started another one today.  Hopefully it will turn out ok!  So far so good.

Brian fixed the broken shower head in the kids' bathroom and also put the tree up today.  Yay!

We bought a new shower head assembly with faucet for our shower, but I think I'm going to call a plumber to install it.  Soldering copper is not in Brian's bag of tricks.

Isabel has her soccer fun fest today.  It was supposed to be the end of the season but we still have 2 more games due to the rain outs.
The cutest little Mustangs!

And .....Christams is coming!
First ornament on the tree is all Logan