We headed to Houston this weekend to check out the Auto show since we're in the market for a new vehicle. It's a great way to see multiple vehicles at once and go back and forth between them. We took Logan and Isabel and met up with Grammy, Papaw and Aunt Jennifer. They were nice enough to take Isabel to the kids zone. From the pictures it looks like she had a great time. They had a nice setup for kids. Logan started to feel very hot while we were there and I checked out with Grandma, Logan and Isabel right after lunch to get Logan home. He had a temperature of 103.7, but with the help of Ibuprofen we were able to get it down to around the 101 mark and thankfully it broke by Sunday morning. Both Logan and Isabel were sick with colds again last week. They're both doing better and Isabel went to school today.
Today at school Isabel got to check out a real live fire truck! She was very excited about it. She was kind to her friends all day, which is so great! I'm trying to decide if I'm going to put Logan in the same program next year. Early registration opens up this month and I'm a little torn. Having 2 days a week to get stuff done would be great, but I also think it would be fun to have 2 days a week to spend with Logan. Not sure what to do. I also think school has really helped Isabel with her shyness. Before she started going she was so very shy and very reluctant to play at playgroup or try new things. It could be that she's just getting older, but I think school has really helped.
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