Logan is really starting to get the hang of crawling. He's also pulling up on everything. He's in the stage where there is no fear, so someone has to be within arms reach at all times to catch his inevitable flop. He greeted me Sunday morning sitting up in his crib-a first. I guess he realized that since he can sit himself up he might as well do it in his crib and hang out. He was pretty proud of himself. Logan has started to babble a lot. It's pretty funny. Sometimes I can't tell Isabel and Logan apart on the monitors when they're both talking. His favorites so far are 'brob brob brob' and 'ma ma ma.'
Brian and I agreed that we needed to lower Logan's crib after he greeted me sitting up yesterday. Well, we forgot about it. Right after Brian put Logan down for the night I remember and had visions of him standing up and doing a header out of the crib. Sooooo I picked Logan up and Brian lowered the crib. It took almost 20 minutes, so I was not looking forward to the hour long process of getting Logan back to sleep, but the kid never woke up! Nothing like holding a sleeping baby. :)
Isabel is talking a lot more. I was showing her some pictures and pointing to people. She normally just names mama, dada, brober (brother), Ish (Isabel), Pa (Grandpa) and Tank, but over the weekend I pointed to Aunt Jenn and she just goes "Jenn." I was impressed because the picture of Jenn was over 5 years old and because she's never said Jenn before. This morning at breakfast I asked her if she could say Aunt Jenn and she did! I did my 'I'm so impressed at my smart daughter' routine and she was pretty proud of herself so she wanted to keep saying it, but wanted me to ask her to say it. She kept saying 'one more' so that I would ask her if she could say Aunt Jenn. Wow, that was a long, and I'm sure super boring story for anyone other than Aunt Jenn, who isn't able to read this thing anyway.
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