Thursday, March 29, 2012

The New Alamo

I saw The Hunger Games at the new Alamo Drafthouse last night! The theater was really really nice. The tables were in 2's instead of a long bench, so you didn't have to crawl over everyone or crawl under the bench to get out if you needed to use the bathroom. The seats were nice leather/vinyl and the picture and sound in our theater was amazing. Ok, I think I'm the only one in America who didn't LOOOOOOOVE this movie. I thought it was great, but not the most awesome movie ever. I really really loved the books and I have been looking forward to this movie for so long that I think I just expected it to be 8 hours of awesome or something. I think I was most disappointed with the arena. For some reason I expected it to be different. But don't get me wrong, I did love the movie and will probably see it again with Brian. The acting was very good, especially Elizabeth Banks, Jennifer Lawrance, Woody Harrelson (brillian casting), and Lenny Kravitz is just pretty to look at. Now that I think about it, it was a pretty darn good movie. I just don't want to marry it. Maybe have a long term relationship with it. Not much to report on the kid front. This week we've gone to My Gym twice already since we had class Monday and yesterday Isabel really wanted to go. She played the whole time with a little 4 year old boy who was the sweetest thing ever. They actually went into a 'cave' and read books for a while. It was so cute. His mom came up to me and said he really prefers playing with girls and has always been like that. Apparently his 7 year old brother is the same way. I wish I could have taken them home and had their calmness rub off on Logan some. Logan has been having a good week. He's still not talking too much, but he's started to say a few more words/sounds. He loves to say 'ummmhummmm' for yes. "Logan, should we go get Izzy?" "ummmmhummmm" He's had a little ingrown toe/hangnail thing on his big toe that I've been soaking and putting antibacterial cream on. His eye has been looking a little red and slightly goopy. It's just on the brink of being 'uh oh, pink eye' but it's still looking like it might be allergies. The pollen is out of control right now. If it looks worse this morning I'll take him in to the pediatrian. Isabel has still been a rock star with potty training. No accidents at all. I don't have to remind her to go potty all the time. She's been so easy to potty train. I'm sure I'll have my work cut out for me with Logan though. When he needs a diaper change he'll grab his crotch and go 'poopoo' It's actually quite helpful. Today I'm going to attempt to go shopping at the mall if Logan's toe/eye are looking ok. I need to go to exactly 1 store. But I'll have to try on things, so hopefully Logan will be cooperative.

1 comment:

  1. Not sure what is up with blogger. I swear I had actual paragraphs when I typed this post.
