Thursday, February 21, 2013

Beds! Visitors!

I just said goodbye to M, big A and little A. :(. We had such a great visit. We did absolutely nothing besides go to P. Terry's for a burger yesterday. I felt bad, but just hanging out at home was sort of amazing. The weather was beautiful on Tuesday so we played in the back yard a lot. Her girls are so ridiculously sweet and well behaved. Big A was so great with Logan and really looked out for him. Of course Isabel was just excited to be around some big girls. She played well with them until last night when she was hopped up on sugar (M made cookies. If you didn't know- she makes the BEST cookies. 2nd only to GGB) and decided to give little A a nice push. Other than that it went great. M even froze cookie dough in little balls for me to bake later! Can she move in?

Before getting burgers at P. Terry's Isabel had dance class. It was cold and a little rainy out so I didn't take Logan to the nearby playground like I normally do. I tried to wrangle him and run around with him outside the studio while waiting for Izzy. M caught a catty bitch talking shit about Logan and almost threw down. It was so awesome. I had no idea what was happening. She was like 'if you didn't have to come back here next week....' Haha. That girl has my back! It was hilarious listening to her retell it to Brian. My favorite 'what? Are we training for the Olympics here?' The 2 classes going at the time are a 2-3 year old and 3-4 year old creative dance class. Real competitive.

We took a couple of pictures but I'm not going to post them because I know M is super private and doesn't like photos of the girls online. She looks exactly the same as she did when we lived in CA 5 years ago. When she tells me about a beauty product I immediately go out and buy it because I want her secrets to looking amazing! The girls are beautiful and have really grown up. Big A has always been super sweet and caring and seeing her reading and talking like a little lady is such a trip! I wish Viv was able to hang out with her and trade 1st grade gossip. We didn't make it out to the cemetery and I feel terrible about that.

Last weekend Grammy and Papaw came over for a visit. We spent almost the entire weekend looking for a bed for Isabel. We had the hardest time. There was no way I was spending $1200 on a bed and I wasn't about to pay $500-600 for a non solid wood bed. We hit up some resale and consignment shops and still didn't find anything. I found the perfect bed online at a store in Houston and my parents were nice enough to check it out for us. Unfortunately it was off white, not white. Long story long we bought one at and it will be delivered on Monday. I think it's the same thing we have in the guest room, but in white and a full size.

I bought a mattress Monday. It was sort of a debacle. I bought a kind of cheapie one and then they didn't have it in stock so let me have the nicer one for the same price. Brian went across Austin to pick it up and while he was filling out paperwork the guy loaded it in the truck. We get home, unpack everything get Isabel excited about it, and we have a full size foundation and a queen mattress. Since it was Presidents' Day the store was open late. So Brian called and said we needed a bed that night since we were having company in town. They called around and finally called back and said he could come pick up a new one (across town again). So we ended up getting a pretty nice mattress when it was all said and done. Since they didn't have the one we purchased in a full we got a nicer one. Mattress sales are such a racket. The markup is crazy.

I'm looking forward to cleaning today while the kids are at school. So much to do. I decided to relax and enjoy the short time I had with the CA crew and pretty much didn't do any cleaning while they were here. It was so nice.

I'll attach a picture M took this morning before Brian took them to the airport. It's a great "you look nice and I look like shit picture." Also one of Logan because he's so cute I could just eat him up. And yes, those are princess heels. :)

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