Friday, February 8, 2013

Speech Therapy

Today we had Logan's speech therapy evaluation after his usual OT.  The evaluation went really well.  The main areas of concern are, surprisingly, muscle tone in his mouth/face and his sucking vs pushing reflex when eating.  The therapist noticed that he would push his tongue forward when eating (rather than it going back and sort of 'sucking').  She also noticed that he sounded 'wet' and coughed right after a bite.  Honestly, I'm not sure if the coughing is due to all of our colds or if it's something that he usually does.  She said that that is a sign that he is getting food and liquid stuck in pockets in his throat.  Since he hasn't really been choking, she said it's not a huge problem, but needs to be addressed.  She said the tongue going forward usually causes lisps when the kiddos are old enough to enunciate the r's and s's.  Since we're working on correcting it now it may help deter any future lisp.  She said his vocabulary was average to above average for his age and his pragmatic speech seemed to be on target.  All good news.  She said she saw progress just in the 90 minutes they spent together today, so she didn't think he would need speech therapy for that long.  Yay!

Occupying Isabel for 2 1/2 hours was a challenge, but she did GREAT!  She was so helpful and cooperative.  I was impressed.  I can't imagine that sitting in a waiting room while her brother got to play on some fun equipment was easy for her.  After OT Logan gets a 'candy cane' (a peppermint) and Isabel gets a starburst.  Logan decided that he wants a starburst too so Isabel bites off half of hers and gives him the other half.  Every time.  It is so stinkin cute and sweet.  She is really starting to look out for him in public situations.  Privately she still likes to terrorize him, but it's getting a little better.  She has grown up so so much in the past couple of months.

We are on the last section of kitchen cabinets.  We glaze tonight and then seal tomorrow and that should be it!  We still need to put on new hardware, but we're having a discussion about which handles to buy.  I just want it done.  It has taken up so much of my life and time.

I went looking for some ballet shoes at the resale stores in town and found the cutest little cowgirl boots.  Isabel puts them on and pretends she's Jesse.  Might have to take her to the Houston Livestock Show this year!  I know Logan would love it too.

Video of Isabel going across the monkey bars!

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