Saturday, May 4, 2013

Boring, Sick Week

This past week was pretty typical.  We had school, therapy, dance and playgroup.  I got sick and that sucked.  My asthma was pretty terrible for a couple of days.  It seems to be doing better today, so hopefully it will continue to get better.  I was about to go in and request steroids last night, but thankfully today was much better.  Must be this crazy crazy weather we've been having.  It was in the 40s a few nights!  I love it, but man, it's tough on the asthma and allergies.

Somehow we lost Isabel's MedPax last weekend.  I distictly remember taking it out of the stroller after Eeyore's birthday and putting it in the back of the car.  I saw it and though 'I need to put that up front so that I remember to take it in the house (epi pens cannot be subjected to extreme heat or cold).  I thought I put it in the passenger seat, but after a complete cleaning out of the car it's nowhere to be found.  Boo.  We have lots of spare Epi pens laying around, so that's not a problem.  We were never without a pair, but I still had to order new ones and new inhalers and bought some more Benadryl.  I also ordered 2 new MedPax (a plastic container to put the medicine in that has a big sticker on the front personalized with a picture and all necessary medical info and contact info).  It was time to order new ones anyway, so no big deal.  The ones we had are getting pretty worn and the information needed to be updated.  I just can't imagine someone finding the lost MedPax and not calling me.  So strange.  Maybe I really am losing my mind and it's someplace in the house.  Entirely possible.

I'm trying to wean Isabel off of her Flovent.  It's been a very very long process.  It seems like every time we finally get off of it she gets a cold.  I'm not thrilled with the side effects of the inhaled steroid and want her off.  Hopefully this summer she'll be able to get a good break from it.  Obviously we would never not give her medicine if she needs it.  She's been on it since September with almost no breaks.

Along those lines we decided to go ahead and do OIT (oral immunotherapy) for peanuts in Dallas.  It should take 4-6 months and will require a drive to Dallas every week, but will be worth it.  It's a ton of time and money, but it will be hugely life-changing.  I just have to make the call.  Isabel might have to wait until she's 5.  I think he might take patients younger, but I need to call.  It's scary and exciting.  I can't imagine not having to check the label meticulously for peanuts or the dreaded 'made in a facility' disclaimer.  She would still not be able to eat tree nuts, but my understanding is that her tree nut allergy is not as life-threatening as peanuts.  I will have to talk to Dr. Wasserman about that.  So we will probably always still have to have epi pens and Benadryl on hand, but hopefully Isabel will be able to eat cake at birthday parties and maybe even ice cream once in a while!

Remember when I bought that bread maker?  I haven't bought a single loaf of bread since!  I can't believe I just discovered the miracle of a bread maker!  It's so fast, cheap and easy.  I'm sure it's paid for itself already.  I love not having to check labels all the time and now there is nothing artificial in our bread and I know it was made in a peanut free factory!  The kids haven't noticed a difference and Brian takes 1/2 a loaf to work for his sandwiches.  It's definitely denser than the store brands, but I just try and slice it thinner.  Slap some honey on that sucker and I'm in heaven!

Isabel had a dream about a week ago and woke up to tell me about it.  She was SO excited.  She said "Mommy Mommy...I have the PERFECT give to give to Grandpa!!!"  I was like uh, ok, what?  She then told me and I was like "ok, I think we can make that."  So we told Brian who has a slightly more elaborate plan than I was thinking, but it will be cute either way.  She's SO excited about it and has talked about it numerous times.  I would love to have known what that dream was about!  I guess we know what we're giving Grandpa for his birthday!

What's a post without some pictures?
Logan being cute.

Isabel and Logan up to no good.

Mid jump!

Sweet girl.

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