We had an amazing weekend here in Austin! Friday started off great with therapy, RAIN, and picking up Matt and Lindsay from the airport. The rain continued and then Grandma and Grandpa arrived. Brian's office closed early and he got home around 3pm (yay!) and then Grammy and Papaw arrived.
Saturday morning it continued to rain....in Austin(!) It was so great and any other weekend I would have loved it, but this weekend I needed some sun and nice, typical Austin weather. It was very damp and humid on Saturday morning. We packed up and drove the 30 minutes to the recital location for Isabel's very first dance recital! She was SO so excited. I was backstage Mom. I stayed with the girls throughout the show and tried to keep them happy. They were actually very well behaved and easy to deal with. At one point one of the other Moms in the dressing room says 'wow, look at that little girl's tap shoe. It's totally broken.' I was like 'oh wow, that stinks.' Then I realized it was Izzy! The entire sole of her tap shoe was almost off! We tried gluing it with eyelash adhesive (the only thing we could find) but that didn't work. I frantically asked around and finally found a little girl that wore the same size shoe and was a few numbers ahead of Isabel and borrowed her tap shoes for Isabel. What are the odds that her tap shoe breaks the DAY of recital?! Don't answer that.

There were genuine heartfelt smiles on stage. That made the entire year of dance worth it. Isabel was so very happy to be onstage with her best friend performing her dance. It was so cute to watch and I laughed the entire time watching her. Luckily Grandpa has video of the performance and we watched it Saturday night. So stinking cute. She even got this trophy at the end. How cute is that?! It was a special memory that I will never forget.
After the recital we went back home to prepare for Logan's birthday party. It finally stopped raining and was looking like it just might clear up! We had a fruit salad, pasta salad, quinoa salad, pizza, chips and dip, crackers and brie and, of course, cake, ice cream and cupcakes at the party. I tried not to stress out too much over the party, especially since most of the people attending were family, but it was still a little stressful. Luckily I had a ton of help setting up. We had a bounce house set up in the back yard and Logan's little school buddies came over and jumped and played and had fun. I think it was a great party. Logan and his friends had fun and I call that a win.
The weather was great and almost everyone bounced until the company came to take away the bounce house that evening. It was funny, the guys had to kick all of the adults out when it was time to deflate.
Buzz Lightyear! |
The Claw! |
What party would be complete without it?! |
Pin the tail on Bullseye. |
Woody and Buzz. |
Logan's present from Grandma. Amazing!!!! |
Brothers. |
The trophy. |
Playing Cards Against Humanity at midnight. |
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