Today was Logan's last day at the CDC. He will start the PPCD program at our local elementary school tomorrow. I told Brian that it was such a bittersweet day and he put it bluntly when he replied 'Why? It's clear that his current teacher can't handle him.' Sigh. Logan did make a very deep connection with his assistant teacher, Ms. Jill. She is amazing. She has 2 or 3 grown boys and really really gets Logan. When all he's hearing is 'don't do this or don't do that' she says 'YES! Please give me big hugs and tackle me!' I really feel like she understands him and his issues and sees it not as an imposition or problem, but as a positive. She loves getting tackled by Logan and getting hugs and squeezes daily. She regularly stood up for him and was his advocate. I know she truly will miss him just as much as I'll miss her.
Logan has all of his (many) school supplies ready to go for tomorrow. We've been slowly pushing up his bedtime so that the 6:30am wake up call won't be so traumatic for him. He really needs at least 11 hours of sleep at night, especially since he's not napping at all. Fingers crossed he sleeps through the night tonight. He will be going to school 5 days a week for 3 hours a day. Not very long, but I feel like the constant routine will help him a lot. Next year he will be going 5 days a week for 6 hours a day. A big change! My schedule is changing drastically too. I will no longer be getting the 4 hour break 2x's a week that I've gotten used to. Now it will be at most 1.5 hours twice a week. I'm not complaining. I'm excited to have the extra time in the morning with just Isabel and the extra time mid day with just Logan. I have lots of activities planned. Maybe too many! And by activities I mean things that we will be doing around the house. Isabel is anxious to try and start reading. I'm really going to look books and things to help her achieve this goal. I'm excited to do some heavy work with Logan. Heavy work is crucial in Logan's OT plan. A goal I have for him is catching a ball. This is a big goal. He uses his peripheral vision to track objects, like balls, being tossed to him. Once we figured this out a huge light bulb went off. When I was talking to his OT and she mentioned it I was like 'aha! that's it!' I couldn't put my finger on what was going on, but now it's so obvious. Just a clear example of his motor planning disorder.

Ms. Jill! |
Logan and Ms. Julie |
Isabel took control of the camera. |
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