Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Bus

Today Logan rode the bus home from school!  He didn't get home until 11:20am!  That's a long bus ride considering we live less than a mile from school.  He played it very cool getting off the bus.  I think he was a little scared and unsure of what the whole thing was and didn't understand that he was on his way home.  Once he walked in the door he was 'starving' and wanted lunch.  As I was making lunch and trying to understand what he wanted he started to melt down.  I think it was a big day with not enough sleep last night.  I let him watch one of my new favorite holiday short movies "Prep and Landing.'  I seriously love that show.  So cute.  He calmed down and helped me clean the cabinets after lunch.  We went to pick up Isabel from preschool and it was another tough time for Logan.  I didn't anticipate (but should have) that it would be difficult for him to go back to his old school and not actually be attending school there anymore.  He didn't want to leave Izzy's class.  Ms. Jill saw him and tried to play with him a little, but that made things worse.  I think he was just so confused.
This was yesterday.  Logan's first day at Kiker.  Isn't his shirt awesome?!!

Logan is seated in an integrated car seat on the bus and there is an aid that rides with them.

Bye bus!

We picked up Maddie for an afternoon play date.  Usually the girls play so well together, but the first half of this play date was exhausting.  They just could not get along.  Once we went outside and ran off some energy and then came back in all was good.  Four year old girls...I tell ya, sheesh!  All I wanted to do was get the grout in the entryway clean.  Not an easy task.

Logan has been repeating a lot this week.  I'm sure it's a combination of factors.  New school and routine and also the fact that he doesn't have speech therapy this week.  We are missing it!  We'll pick it back up next week with new times after school.

Tonight I have a Mom's night out at this new restaurant that just opened right up the street from us.  I've really wanted to try it out and they were kind enough to comp the Mom's club dinner!  I'm not sure what the stipend is, but I've been told 'very generous.'  Nothing like free food!  The menu is very small, but looks amazing.  Everyone else in the house is having frozen pizza.  Sorry I'm not sorry.  :-)  I did finally remember to marinate the meat for dinner tomorrow, so hopefully that will be good!

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