Wednesday, January 9, 2013

3 month follow up for Logan. And we are still sick.

Logan had his 3 month follow up with the developmental pediatrician yesterday. It was pretty overwhelming. There were lots of acronyms thrown out and lots of suggestions. There is a game plan and I feel like we are headed in the right direction and that his doctor is really looking out for him and knows her stuff. She's fairly young and has some seriously impressive credentials. Her bed side manner is not exactly warm and fuzzy, but that's ok with me. Sometimes I actually prefer it that way.

Basically she recommended that Logan start OT twice a week (we had previously been scheduled for once) and that he add speech therapy twice a week as well. That's 4 hours of therapy total per week. His expressive speech is not a problem and his vocabulary seems to be average to above average, but his communicative/ pragmatic speech is the area of concern. For example he will rarely answer yes/no questions. I think the phrase that most grabbed at my heart was that she described him as being 'difficult to play with.' Not in a mean way, obviously, but very matter of fact. Yes, he is difficult to play with. Typical play is hard for him. We aren't sure if Logan is on the autism spectrum or not. The doctor said she is seeing behaviors that are concerning to her, but she's not ready to diagnose that yet. When he goes back in 6 months he will undergo testing. At that time he will be 3 and eligible for the elementary schools program if he is indeed on the spectrum.

So, all in all, an overwhelming day. On top of that the cardiologist called to tell me the results of my genetic testing came in and that he wanted to schedule an appointment for this week. Wtf? This week? I was like 'uh, next week is better,' but she was like 'how about this Thursday?' I asked her if she could tell me the results and she said everything was negative, so I'm hoping he just needs to meet his weekly quota of patients or something!

In other news we are all still sick. I think I'm going to go to the doctor tomorrow if there is not some awesome healing powers that clear out my sinuses magically overnight. Poor Logan's eyes have started watering too. I think he might be fighting a sinus infection. The doctor looked in his ears yesterday and they were not infected, but one was 'dull.' I'll keep an eye out for him pulling at the left one.

In some fun news I bought tickets to see 'Zero Dark Thirty' on Friday night with Brian! Jenn is going to watch the kiddos. I think she's the only person, besides maybe a grandparent, who has ever put them to bed without one of us.

Here is a picture of Logan and I splashing around in the rain while sister was at dance class and aunt Jenn nursing one of her injuries from her 4 days of working out. And sleeping on the guest bed after one of the slats fell through instead of getting us to help her fix it. Silly aunt Jenn. Or considerate aunt

Oh, and Logan had to give blood yesterday and he didn't even cry!!! So proud of my brave boy!


  1. Look at Logan's sweet face! We have those boots too and love them. I know all about uncertainty and homestly, that is the most stressful part. Once you get used to the therapy schedule, you will adjust. In the meanimte, let me know if I can help in any way. If you have not read, "The Misdiagnosed Child" it is an excellent resource.

  2. Thanks Michelle! I will definitely look into that book.
