Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Visual migraines

Ever had one? I started getting them about a year ago. Luckily I've only had a handful, but they are terrifying! My vision starts to get very unfocused and then the flashers start and it usually ends up with crazy ripple-like effects in my vision. I went to the eye doctor and she said its like regular migraines, some people just get them. Today I got one on my run with just over a mile left on my route. I stopped running and walked, but it was taking forever and I just wanted to close my eyes and lie down, so I started running again. Luckily there isn't pain associated with them.

I did get a nice headache this afternoon, but that could have been from wrangling the kids to the car after preschool. Isabel had to go potty and had a tiny accident on the way. She pulled down her skirt and started waddling down the hallway. Omg. So since she was wearing a skirt and tights I told her to just take her underwear and tights off and we would go home in the car with just her skirt on. Of course she decided to start flashing the entire parking lot and saying she was itchy. I'll probably be known as the crazy mom who doesn't put underwear on her kids.

Here are pictures from drop off. They get to play on the tree after school, but today we were early (shocker) and they played before school. Logan and his 3 cups. He was very proud.

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