Friday, January 4, 2013

Cotton Bowl Friday

The Cotton Bowl is tonight! Whoop! Everyone was excited about wearing the 'Gig 'em Aggies' today, but after her nap Isabel was all about the pink and flowers.

I worked hard today taking down Christmas decorations and cleaning. So I mopped the kitchen floors. Logan and Isabel then went in the fridge and poured the remaing contents of a gallon of apple juice on the floor. Then logan had an accident on the floor. Then Logan decided to fling his applesauce all over the place. Fun!

But but,despite it's massive challenges, I really felt like i was doing something. Like I was actually making a difference. I've been reading a book about activities for the 'out of synch' child and today I really felt like I actually did some good. We had fun. It was a very very challenging day because we were inside for all of it due to crappy weather.

Logan clearly...CLEARLY needs very specific stimulation every day in order to function at his best. I feel like once you realize this you can really connect with him and can understand where he is coming from. This book has really validated my feelings and interactions with him.

We have had issues with people thinking we're 'too lenient' or that we're 'too this' or 'too that.'. Well, this book really reinforced our parenting strategies and gave me a sense of hope. Yea, it's really really hard to have super patience win my child, but when you realize how he senses and sees with the world and how it is so very different from you, me' my daughter, your sons, etc, then it's easy. You do whatever it takes to give your child the best opportunities.

So thanks for the very unsolicited advice on raising MY kids, but I'll stick with the professionals. Until you've completed your advanced degrees in pediatric development and pediatric occupational therapy, we will not talk about your parenting 'advice.'. We don't want to hear it. We have read countless books and still don't have the answers. It's pretty insulting when you claim to know the answers because 'you know someone with 4 kid's and they don't have a kid who screams all the time.'. Super helpful. Do you think I like that my 2 year old has problems in new/different/unfamiliar environments????? Yes, I just LOVE, I mean LOVE when my child has a meltdown about his socks. Or about his toothbrush or about his shoes (insert anything) else. It makes me feel GREAT! So maybe instead of criticizing, giving the stink eye or just talking behind my back, you could, I don't know, ask what YOU, YOU as a person who loves this child, can do to help. It would mean a lot and would make us feel like we are on the same team. Because we are. I promise.

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