Wednesday, January 23, 2013


We had a very busy Wednesday and I'm pooped. Logan had OT bright and early and then we headed over to a play date with one of Isabel's friends from school. The home it was at? It was amazing. Like straight out of a magazine gorgeous. Complete with pool and golf course view. She must have been an interior decorator in a previous life because the way it was decorated and furnished... I was speechless. I was then served the perfect latte. I was just praying that Logan wouldn't take a shit all over the place. He's been having a lot of #2 accidents lately and he hadn't gone yet. Luckily he was ok. After staying for a bit we had to leave to go to dance. A quick HEB trip and we were home for lunch.

Then Logan pooped ALL over the place. Literally 5 minutes after I put him on the potty. I don't know what's going on with him. He has been completely potty trained for 6 months! He doesn't have accidents at school, so I need to find out their secret.

My stupid sinus infection is back. It's my own fault. I didn't finish the Cipro. I know better. I just kept forgetting and then said 'forget it.'. Now I probably have super mutant bacteria up in my sinuses ready to take over my brain. I called the nurse at my doctor's office and she's going to talk to my doctor and see of he'll call in something or if I need to be seen. Fingers crossed I can just get more drugs.

1 comment:

  1. Cute pictures! How could you not finish the Cipro!? I mean, I may garden barefoot, but comeon, wise health choices, take your cipro.
