Saturday, January 19, 2013

Outing Roulette

This is what I call going out with Logan. Anywhere. Today we decided to go looking for a big girl bed for Isabel. She's currently in a toddler bed that takes a crib mattress and is rapidly outgrowing it with her long legs. She is VERY attached to her princess bed and doesn't want to 'get rid of it.' I can understand. A comfy bed is pretty amazing. She has also requested a pink bed. Yeah, that's not gonna happen. The idea is to get her a double bed with maybe a trundle. That way we can have people stay in her room and have another guest bedroom if needed. I want the bed to last until she leaves for college. So we went to a couple of furniture stores and I was pretty underwhelmed with the quality. Isabel saw and fell in love with this ugly Disney carriage bed. It is seriously hideous. No way that's living in our house. The bed will be white to match the other furniture, but we compromised and said she could get the pink canopy thing. They have one at PBK that she loved. I think this bed buying process will take longer than we thought.

After going to a couple of stores in town we decided to go to San Marcos and see if the PBK outlet had anything. They did, but for the price I wasn't excited about it and I think the color was off white, not white. So while we were there Logan just wasn't having it. He was writhing around/screaming/whining/crying. You just can't go shopping with him. It's pretty much impossible. And embarrassing. I love how Brian said something like 'wow, you're really upset today' when this woman near us gave us 'the look'. I was like 'come on now. we know this is his normal behavior.' Sometimes when I'm at the grocery store I'll pretend that he's just having a hard or difficult day, but more and more I just don't care. I've gotten a little jealous of people who have typically behaving kids. I wonder how different my life would be if I wasn't constantly worrying if we had 2 minutes or 5 minutes at the grocery store before we made a scene. I've taken Isabel out by ourselves and sometimes I've been like 'so THIS is what it would feel like.' It's pretty easy, not gonna lie.

Logan has started OT twice a week. There is a waiting list for speech therapy. I want him to go to the same place for speech and OT, so we'll just sit tight on the waiting list for now. He's been doing great with OT. Just the sweetest little thing. The therapist got to witness a meltdown on our way out the door on Friday. Now she knows it's not all sweetness, hugs and roses all the time. I think she was a little shocked.

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