Monday, June 21, 2010


I decided to create a blog after I realized that I was going to have to make up half of Isabel's baby book since I hadn't written any of her milestones down. Oops. Now that Logan has joined the family I realized I needed an easier way to keep track of things. Since our family is spread out all over the world I thought a blog would be an easy way to update people who care (all 3 of you) all at once.

Today Isabel is 14 months old. She's the greatest sleeper ever. She sleeps 8:30pm-8:00am and takes two naps a day around 10am and again at 3pm. She's not on a strict schedule, but typically this is what we do. She has four top teeth and two bottom teeth. She's been walking since she was 11 months old. She only says a couple of words that we can understand (mom, dada, da (dog)) she says other words consistently, but I can't figure out what they mean yet. She can point out her head, nose, eyes, mouth, belly button, tummy, toes, arms and hair and follows two to three step commands. She loves purses, bags and has recently decided that she likes her baby doll.

Logan is 5 weeks old. He's been lifting his head up for a few weeks already and is pretty strong. He pushed off of our chests often. He's not on a schedule yet and still sleeps lots at random times. He consistently goes into 'night' sleep between 9-11pm and will sleep for 3 and sometimes 4 hour stretches at a time. He will usually go back to sleep easily after being nursed, changed and burped. He's given me a few smiles starting last week, but they're still hard to come by.

Things have been going pretty well, although the house is a constant wreck and it's overwhelming to try and keep up with it. When Izzy sleeps I will usually wear Logan and frantically clean the kitchen and do laundry. When Izzy is up I try to just play with her since we haven't been getting out of the house much and I'm her only entertainment until Brian gets home. We do try to go somewhere once a day, even if it's just to the Starbucks drive thru.