Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Isabel is STILL working on those elusive teeth. She has just 2 bottom teeth and 4 top teeth. Her first top molars are trying to work their way down, but haven't broken through yet. I think she's getting used to the discomfort now, but last week she was really upset about it. She slept through the night again last night, so yay!

Logan is giving big smiles and the occasional giggle. Yesterday he was really cooing at me while we were trying to nurse. Super cute. I'm trying the 'dream feed' at 10pm out on him in hopes of pushing past the 1-2am feeding. It worked great with Vivian. She was sleeping through the night at 9 weeks. Isabel wouldn't wake up enough to nurse, so she continued her every 2 hour feedings until she was almost 7 months old. Logan woke up last night and ate and then slept until 3:15am. Progress!

I went to the gym and tried a class for the first time in a long, long time on Monday. I was so sore Tuesday that I could barely function. Squatting down to pick things up was torture. Izzy helped me out a lot with this. I might have had to wait 3 minutes for her to pick up the burp rag, toy, kleenex, etc, but it was worth it to not have to get it myself! I'm still really sore today, but I'm going to push through it and meet a friend for another class tomorrow morning if Logan's schedule cooperates. Setting the alarm for 4:45am isn't fun when you've been up feeding babies, but I need to get my butt into shape.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Vacation Time!

We just got back from a great Montana vacation! We were in the mountains most of the time and as usual the time their was way too short. Everyone commented on how much Logan looks like Brian. Isabel decided that she needed to get up with the sun most mornings, so she was tired a lot of the time. When she skipped naps she would get a little cranky, but overall was good. Logan was totally easy and just ate all the time. It was so much fun to meet Lucas. He's adorable and has the most amazing eyes. Brian and I compared them to amber. He liked to smile and laugh lots. I can't wait until next year when we'll have two 1 1/2 year olds and a 2 1/2 year old. Talk about fun chaos!

Monday, July 5, 2010


Brian got the first giggles out of Logan. He definitely giggled at Daddy twice today. It was pretty cute. I think it's Brian's emo hair that has him laughing, but that's just me. :)

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Isabel has learned to point and now points at everything. It's pretty cute to see her chubby little finger point away at the dog, milk, dad, mom, etc etc. Before she perfected this little pointing thing she was still getting her, ahem, point across, by using her whole hand and shoving it in the general direction of what she wanted.

Logan is still trying to figure out where he is most of the time. His favorite things include fans, windows and the dotted side of his cosleeper. He's pretty alert when he's away and has been giving smiles pretty much daily. While we were in Houston for a few days he decided to wake up every 2-3 hours again, but once we got back home he slept for two 4 hour stretches. Nice. He's now the proud occupant (well not really since he hangs out in our room) of a great newly painted and spruced up bedroom. It looks amazing!