Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Fun weekend and, wait for it, ..... Logan is in a BIG BOY BED!

This weekend Gramma and Grampa came over for a visit.  They loaded up their truck and brought us some things they didn't want/need anymore.  One of them being a really nice trundle bed to go in our game room.  We moved the sleeper couch to the play room downstairs and we can now sleep 12 in beds and 14 with the air mattress in the study!  Woohoo!  Party at our house!  We also were gifted some other nice additions and a nice meal.  Thanks Mom and Dad!

We realize that Logan should probably be sleeping somewhere else besides a crib.  But, he sleeps so well at night in it that we just didn't want to rock the boat.  We did it this weekend.  We bought him a full-sized mattress and converted his lovely crib into a bed.  And....he did amazing!  Didn't miss a beat.  Slept like a champ.  I just wanted to go in and cover him with kisses Monday morning when he woke up like normal and asked us (via the monitor) if he could get up now.  Same thing happened this morning.  Phew!

Gramma brought us a nice present.  A little treat from Aunt Jenn.  Haha.  Isabel got a kick out of it.
Brian fixed the wobbly toilet seat.
And we got this cute Valentine from Isabel:
That about sums up our weekend.

Logan drew this ALL BY HIMSELF today!  So awesome!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day

After Brian got all ready to go to work this morning and was leaning in for the usual goodbye-have-a-good-day kiss I was like 'so nice, but you remember that you are watching Iz while I volunteer at L's Valentine Party, right?'  Brian:  uh, yeah.  Totally.  So, what do you want to do Iz? (Siblings are not allowed to attend parties)

I dry shampooed my hair and put some 'real' clothes on to head to the elementary school for some V Day fun.  I was in charge of the Alphabet bingo table with John's mom.  I totally forgot my ID so I was a complete rebel and didn't check in at the front office like the 49284 signs instructed me to.  Will not make that mistake again.  The kids in Logan's class are so cute.  I had fun helping them with bingo and handing out their prizes of play doh and stickers.  Logan did pretty well with me there.  I got to observe circle time.  After I put my stuff away I went to watch what they were up to.  Logan had a 'fidget widget' or whatever you want to call it.  Basically a sensory to so that he plays with it and doesn't bother the kids around him.  I was pretty bummed to see him with it.  He was the only kid with one and he was clearly not paying attention to the songs, etc because he was focused in on his fidget ball.  Not gonna lie.  It was very hard to watch.  I felt so helpless and just wanted to go over there and say 'Logan!!!  Let's sing this fun song!'  I know it's hard with 15 kids and 2 teachers (plus one aide), but as a parent it was really hard to watch.

Isabel has been doing amazing watching after her little brother.  She is super protective and will cut a bitch if you cross him.  Even Maddie has become very protective of him.  Iz and Log played outside for a long long time today while I cleaned out the car and the kitchen.  It was pretty great to see them playing and entertaining each other.

The girls got some nice flowers from the guys for Valentine's Day.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Valentine's Day Party take 1

We had Isabel's Valentine's Day fun today at preschool.  There really wasn't a set party time.  I just sent her with her Valentines (she was a rock star and personally addressed them all this morning) and strawberries for the fondue.  I took some pictures.
And here are a couple of pictures of my ankle this morning.  Just because I want sympathy.
Right is the jacked up one.
I'm taking donations to get a pedicure.  Hahahaha.  I found that way more funny than I should have.  Probably because a pedicure is about item 495939494 on my list of things right now.

Tonight I'm off the Bunko.  I had coffee with a girlfriend I hadn't talked with in a long time today.  It was so nice to catch up.  She has been such a great friend to me for the past 7 years.  We met at my very first playgroup with Vivian in Austin where she introduced herself and was so kind and welcoming.  Anyway, said friend is going too so we're carpooling.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Ate it!

Wednesdays.  They are so busy!  I picked Maddie up from school an hour early so that she and Izzy could have more time to play at the house before dance.  It's always a big chore to get them out the door to pick Logan up from therapy.  I know it's partly because they don't have much play time at the house before we have to leave.  It's so funny how super easy and well the girls play together at home, but transition and car times are so difficult.  It seems like there is an argument over everything.  Wrong cheese, wrong milk, wrong seat, etc etc.

So after picking Logan up from therapy and dropping the girls off at dance I manged to step off of the curb and totally eat it.  My 'bad' ankle twisted and I went down hard.  My only thought was 'please God don't let this be broken because I don't know how I will function if I can't workout for a month.'  No joke.  And then I thought 'I will be stuck at home because there is no way I can take Logan out without being able to chase after him.'  Luckily after the initial painful minutes I realized that it wasn't as bad as I thought and that I could walk on it.  I have some lovely pain in both my ankle and knee tonight, but as Brian lovingly reminded me-I'm getting old.

Brian's POS car is in the shop yet again.  I have a few 4 letter words for that heap of garbage.  Especially awesome after I just dropped $1350 at therapy today.  But at least I got this gem of an art project from Logan out of it:
Yep, he loves Maddie.  Pretty darn cute.

We had Isabel's school conference yesterday.  She is doing great and ready for Kindergarten next year.  Someone please please please slow down time!  I can't take it!  Her family portrait (that they apparently spent a lot of time working on) included Grandma.  There were 6 people, so I think Viv was in there too, although she didn't write her name out.  Her Valentine's Day party is tomorrow and I totally dropped the ball with the Valentines.  I forgot to have her write out the names and sign them.  Oh well.  I'll have her do what she can in the morning and finish the rest myself.

Never letting them eat here again.  Floor was a huge mess.  It was taco bar night.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Trying to entertain ourselves

Today has got to be one of the least productive days ever.  School was cancelled for today last night.  We weren't scheduled to get 'winter weather' until around 8 or 9am, so I went to my 5:30am spin class as usual.  Came home showered and promptly put on sweats for a day of cleaning and organizing.  And then I didn't.  I had zero motivation.  The sleeper sofa was still out from last night and it looked so warm and cozy that I put on a movie around 10 and fell asleep for about 3 minutes.  I woke up to Logan whispering 'spider' to me while tickling my arms.  Haha.

I signed up for the ABC Mouse Early Learning Academy (online lessons and stuff).  It came in handy with Isabel today.  She was on the computer doing lessons for about an hour.  Logan has a profile too, but he still needs tons of help using the mouse, so I just sit next to him and do the lessons with him.

Chicken nuggets and carrots for lunch?  Check.  Pizza for dinner?  Check.

I did end up taking a couple of bags over to Goodwill just to get out of the house.  No ice where we are.  Roads were fine despite this picture this morning.
Can someone tell me the difference between freezing drizzle and sleet?

So in conclusion, I did nothing today and I'm exhausted because of it.  The end.
Winning at life.  Dominating.  Oversized sweats?  Yes please!  Greasy hair?  Ok!  Giant pimple on the forehead?  No problem!  Gig 'em Aggies!  That's an old E Walk sweatshirt if you're an Aggie.

Because every sink needs two different kinds of hand soap (foam and non foam) and a random toothbrush.
I don't know.  When the boredom sets in they like to rearrange furniture and make new 'paths' around the house.
Isabel is not impressed.

Thursday, February 6, 2014


I just got an email that AISD cancelled classes for tomorrow.  Why?  There is like a 10% chance of sleet /ice.  Why not a 2 hour delay lime today?  I'm so confused!

Love these little turds

So last night Brian once again pulled an all-nighter.  He actually came to bed around 4am and attempted to sleep until 6:30 or so.  Anytime after 3am is hit or miss as to which one of our kids is going to wake up and 'need' us.  I think they both woke up twice.  Brian has been snoring like a freaking crazy person lately.  Actually I'm not sure if crazy people snore  or not, but it makes me BSC (bat shit crazy) listening to him saw logs.  Since I felt bad for him, working 21 1/2 hour days and all, I decided to not knock his teeth out and slept in the guest room from 4 am on.  He must have appreciated it because after the 2nd Logan wake up he came and gave me a huge silent hug.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

I did it!!!

I'm a winner in the diet bet!  Gotta admit, I really didn't think I was going to make it.  I ran 9 miles yesterday (1.5 here, and the rest while both kids were at school), it was really rushed, and ate cabbage soup.  Not super healthy, but I really wanted to win!  The final amounts to be paid out won't be verified until probably next  week, but I know I at the very least will get the $25 I put in to play back.
Isabel's sword and shield.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Turkey, Jelly, Butter, Cheese, Honey Sandwiches

Did anyone else fall asleep during the Super Bowl or was it just me?  Disappointing.  We did our annual 'have a Subway sandwich picnic' in front of the TV while watching the game.  Tank decided he wanted in and grabbed Logan's sandwich while he walked away.  That dog cracks me up.  He only bothers to wake up for food or to pee on the floor.

I totally bribed Isabel and Logan at Target today and told them they could have a small toy if they were good.  I HATE shopping with both of them.  It worked!  I had a good 30 minutes of looking around without screaming, fighting kids.

Isabel picked out a "Frozen" accessory kit and Logan picked out this crazy $2 Toy Story toy that does this holographic image of Buzz Lightyear-or something.  It was actually pretty awesome and only mildly annoying with the sounds.
I know the car seat isn't harnessed.  Don't worry, we were parked.

Logan's lunch by request.  Super gross.  He ate it though!

Frozen Sing Along

I was all excited to go to the 'Frozen' sing along at the Alamo Drafthouse this weekend.  I walked upstairs with a coffee cup and my wallet in hand and went to buy tickets for tomorrow's show.  It was sold out!  No!  I quickly realized that we could go to any other theater and do the sing along thing, but they wouldn't have delicious food and maybe a glass of wine or a beer to go with the vocal stylings of IJM.  I bought tickets to a show at a 'regular' theater for today.  I was expecting it to be packed.  It was not.  It was in a huge theater and there were maybe 20 people there.  Perfect!  There weren't as many kids as expected for a Disney movie sing along, but it was still fun.  Logan was signing and Izzy was shy.  She finally got into it for "Let it Go" or "The Snow Glows White on the Mound Tonight" as she calls it.  It was fun.  The movie is really cute and I was excited to see it again.  Edited to add:  I just realized I typed 'signing' rather than 'singing.'  It made me laugh.

Seeing the movie is absolutely all we've done this weekend.  I did my usual Saturday gym routine and came home to eat ground beef and tomatoes.  I'm doing the cabbage soup diet because I'm doing a dietbet (the online game) and it ends on Wednesday.  I really want to win.  To win you just have to lose 4% of your body weight in 4 weeks.  I was 1/2 a lb away last week and then after having some pizza and a couple of beers I was back to almost where I started!  So, now I'm back to being 1 lb away.  It'll be close!  I hate the weekends for dieting!  They can really derail all of your hard work during the week.

Tomorrow we plan to clean and hopefully get at least a closet or two cleaned out and then watch the super bowl.  Go Denver!  I can't wait for the commercials!  It's hard to make yourself not try and fast forward through the commercials!