Saturday, October 15, 2011

Pretend play and crazy comments

I'm so amazed at the strides in language Isabel has made in the past couple of months. She's speaking in complete sentences and can actually carry on a conversation. She loves pretend play and is constantly holding imaginary dinner parties and 'decoration time.' I'm pretty sure decoration time was learned from school as she decorates her crafts. Today we put on our pretend fairy wings and ran around the house pretending to fly. After our flying lessons we had decoration time and then breakfast time at 1pm. I love this stage so much. It's so neat to see what Isabel comes up with in her mind and then acts out. After about 2 hours of pretend play Isabel put on a cape (her nap mat) and pretended to fly some more. I can't believe how much energy that one has. It's amazing. Here are some of her noteworthy phrases and sentences:

"I have a big, giant poop in my body."
"I just want to eat more candy."
"You want an orange lollipop? All right." - This is said all at once. She doesn't wait for an answer.
"I have a idea." - Usually preceded by something she's not supposed to do.

Isabel is also making up songs and sings about everything. She's said a couple of 'bad' words recently that Brian has caught. Apparently she was in the pantry and Brian told her to get out and she said 'damn it.' (Thanks Grandma). Brian told her we don't say that and she looked like she knew that she wasn't supposed to say that word. Brian said she's been saying 'butt' a lot. I haven't heard this, but I did hear her sing "My's on my bottom" in the tub last night. Brian told me she said 'butt' right before the 'bottom' song. I guess she looked at Brian's scolding gaze and decided that 'bottom' would be the correct noun for the melody. I must lay off the F bombs.

I'm pretty sure Logan (and Isabel) have hand, foot and mouth disease at the moment. Luckily it seems to be fading away. Poor Logan had blisters on his feet. Logan has discovered the word 'mine' and LOVES to use it when talking to Isabel. He still loves Elmo and cuddling.

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