Thursday, September 8, 2011

Christening the new car

We bought a new car on Saturday. Today the kids took their first ride in it and Isabel puked. Everywhere. I was on my way up to Brian's office this morning because during the transfer of the crap from the Forester to the CX-9 I forgot to get my wallet. It usually wouldn't be a big deal, but today is pizza day at Isabel's preschool. Pizza day is a big deal and costs $. It's 20 freaking dollars for a 5 pizza day punch card. It's apparently one of their 'fundraisers.' Pizza day at Bannokburn was $1/slice. I could have just packed her a lunch, but we've been talking about pizza day all week and I could just picture her sitting there at lunch with her sandwich while everyone else was eating pizza. Anyway, I didn't have $20 in the house and needed my wallet.

I packed everyone up and we headed up north at 8:15am. Yes, right in traffic. Around 8:45am Isabel spits up a bit and then full-on pukes. I made it to Brian's office and he had a towel from the gym and helped me clean Isabel up and try to clean out the carseat and car some. Logan was screaming, so I let him out to run around a bit. I only had extra pants for Izzy in the diaper bag because I used the shirt to clean up spilled milk last week and forgot to replace it. So here we are at Brian's office with Logan running around like a crazy person and Izzy following him topless. Brian is cleaning out the car and we have about 5000 wipes, Izzy's clothes, waffles from the morning and a puke towel on the concrete next to the car. Hello Brian's coworkers! Nice to meet you!

Needless to say, we didn't make it to pizza day.

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