Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Please please please don't give up the nap!

I think Isabel is trying to give up her nap. I'm crossing my fingers that this isn't that case and that it's just been an anomaly these past few days. She's been really fighting going down for her nap. She now needs water, baby, baby blankie and hammie-hammie in her crib. When I put her down she asks for hug, kiss and back rub. Ok, no problem. Then she asks again. and again. and again. I used to go in repeatedly, but it made it worse. Brian and I now will go through the routine 2x's before we tell her no more and leave. Then the screaming starts. It lasts a long time. When she finally goes to sleep (around 3:45pm) I have to wake her up by 5:30pm and then she's a total cranky pants and usually cries the rest of the night. Bedtime is a repeat of the same thing. Screaming and more screaming. Last night she didn't go to sleep until almost 11pm and then was up at 7am. 8 hours of sleep in a day. GREAT! So, if this keeps up I think I'm going to have to let her give up the napping and get her to bed earlier. :-( It's my only kid-free hour of the day and I cherish it. Since I only get 5-6 hours of sleep at night my 30 minute nap during the day is pretty much a necessity. I shudder to think what it'll be like without a nap.

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