Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Horrible Day

Today was one of those days where I just wish I could have fast-forwarded it. It started out ok. I got an awesome spin workout and SHOWER in before Iz and Logan woke up. I had also had 2 cups of coffee before I heard 'I AWAAAAAAAAKE!' so that was awesome. Actually up until 8:30am the day was going well. Then all of a sudden Isabel decided that today was going to suck. She took me and Logan down with her. She whined I mean all day. If she wasn't whining she was crying. Logan is still getting over RSV, so he wasn't particulary pleasant either. I usually try to plan one outing a day to keep from going bat shit crazy in the house, but today I didn't. I'm really (really!) trying to not spend as much money, but it's so hard when you have 2 toddlers and try to find things to do to entertain them. Even just a trip to Target means we end up with something in the basket. I'm just trying to avoid Target from now on. Finally after lunch I had had enough and loaded the kids up (no less than a 20 minute adventure) and we headed to the park/playground. If you tell Izzy we're going to the park she freaks out and tell you 'NO playGROUND.' Geez. Noted. She told me she 'didn't want to go to the playground with swings.' Ooooohhhhkay. I knew which playground she meant, but thought it might be a treat to check out a new one. So we went over to Dick Nichols Park. I unloaded everything and the freaking playground was closed for maintenance! How did I not see this before unloading everything?! So we ended up at the Circle C park. We haven't been there much because the parking lot is super close to the play structure and it's gravel lined. Logan can finally be trusted to not try to eat rocks for at least 3 minute intervals. It was a beautiful afternoon with highs in the upper 70s. Why does this piss me off so much? Oh yeah, because it's FEBRUARY 1st! WTF is it going to be like in March, April, August?! I want to move back to N. Cali. ASAP. I loathe hot, bumid weather. Loathe.

So we get back home and of course noboday wants to take naps when we get home althoughIsabel is running on 9 hours of sleep and Logan.....don't get me started on Logan. I finally got them both down for naps and then watched 20 minutes of Gossip Girl. Yes, GG. I know the house is a wreck and dinner needed to be started, but sweet baby Jesus, I needed 20 minutes to MYSELF. I vacuumed the playroom before Logan got up. He just wanted to be held, so making dinner was a challenge. Then Izzy got up. Then the shit hit the fan and I wanted to run away. Then Brian called to say he would be a little late. Ugh. I was done with today. But but but, Florence + the Machine is on ACL tonight!

It's days like today that I thought 'hum, maybe that's not a bad idea.' when I read something about Babywise. If you know me you know that Babywise is pretty much the opposite of how I try to parent. But today, today, I was thinking it wasn't such a bad idea to get those little itty bitty infants on YOUR schedule. Damnit. PS- No offense to any Babywise Mamas out there. I just do not agree with it myself.

In more fun newest nephew is being born tomorrow morning! I'm so excited! I can't wait to meet him! Also, my parents bought an awesome new sports car. I love to live vicariously through my parents.

As I was chasing after Logan and Izzy while walking home from preschool yesterday a fellow MOMS club mom was driving by and stopped to chat for a minute. She asked how things were going. I said 'fine, ok today.' I asked her the same and instead of the usual 'ok' answer she got real and said 'This week is ok. What day is it? Oh, Tuesday.' I told (her husband) if I have many more weeks like last week I'm going back to work. I just can't do this.' I could totally relate. Being a stay at home mom/wife is the hardest job I've ever had. I've had some tough jobs (hello oil refinery pipe inspector). But, I am lucky that I get to do it. I try and remind myself that it's a privelage to get to stay home with these little ones and that not every mom that wants to gets to do it.

Oh yea, this morning Isabel said to me 'You just don't understand everything in my life.' Hahaha. I was literally LOL as soon as I was alone. Gems.

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