Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas part 1

We kicked off the holidays with Matt and Lindsay arriving from San Diego on Friday, December 21st. We had dinner at home and then in usual style I passed out on the couch around 9:30pm. Saturday Matt and Brian took the kids to the park and then Matt, Lindsay and Brian headed to jester king brewery while I stayed with the kids trying to get things packed up for the trip to Houston.

We headed to Houston around 5pm and made a quick stop for dinner. We got to Houston and got to love on Lucas an Ethan from afar. It took them a little while to warm up to the white folk. Ethan is ridiculously cute and Lucas looks like such a big boy! So good seeing Richard, Joanne, Lucas and Ethan after almost a year! GGB was in Houston and ready to party too!!!

Sunday we went to Montgomery and the kids played on the playground for a bit. We hit up market street for some lunch. Rich, Brian and I saw 'This is 40.' Funny! After watching 'Christmas Vacation' for the 948482949 time we called it a night.

Monday we met Jennifer, Greg, Matt and Lindsay at Saint Arnold's brewery for the 2nd year in a row. After the brewery we went to the Flying Saucer for drinks and food. While we were gone the kids made cookies for Santa. We arrived home to find both Isabel and Logan in aprons. So cute! Lucas and Isabel were icing cookies. We ate chili (of course) read 'The Night Before Christmas' and then put the kids to bed anxiously awaiting Santa. Meanwhile the elves started to put together a train table and finish wrapping presents.

Christmas morning we woke up (Logan had to be coaxed out of bed) and saw the fun presents Santa brought! After the Santa presents we had some yummy christmas morning casserole and then opened the rest of the presents. After naps and a lovely christmas dinner we headed over to the mangum's house for more christmas.

We had a nice meal with the mangum's and opened more presents. Wednesday we went over to the elementary school and played for a bit and then after lunch the kids had naps and we headed back to the woodlands.

Thursday (today) the kids went to the children's museum and Grammy and papaw met us their and then came over for lunch. We raced the RC cars in the street and then the neighbor lady came out with rage in her eyes and very rudely told us not to race the cars on HER yard. Im talking serious crazy walk and crazy face. It was very odd. She must have some issues going on to be a giant 'B' to 12 people having fun. Four of whom were little kids. What a weirdo.

Rich, Brian and I saw 'Django' this afternoon. It was really good, but long. I started to get really anxious towards the end. We got home and the kids were fed, bathed, and happy. A+ grandparents and GGB!

I'll post more later on. I just have my iPhone pictures for now.

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