Thursday, January 3, 2013

Setbacks and Progress

One day I hope to get a Christmas Part 2 post up, but the whole house has been battling nasty colds. I broke down and took NyQuil at 4am this morning. Big mistake. I was in a NyQuil coma when I heard Isabel calling for me. Not enough coffee for that.

Anyway, I wanted to post about Logan. His vocabulary has improved SO much lately. His teachers have especially noticed a big improvement . Recently though he's been exhibiting dangerous sensory seeking behaviors like trying to go head first down the stairs and putting everything in his mouth. Today he tried to eat a glue stick at school (his teacher said to watch for sticky poop. Awesome) and last night he put a brush with watercolor in his mouth and started sucking. We have our 3 month follow up with the developmental pediatrician next week and we are finally starting OT next week as well.

In some major progress Logan jumped off of a cardboard box and landed on BOTH feet!!! We've been working on this for months! He was about to jump and I said 'Logan think about jumping and landing with both feet.'. He hesitated, thought about it, and did it! This is huge! I'm so proud of him!

Today was the first day back at preschool after the break and Logan waved and said bye to me (after being prompted) with no tears! Isabel did great her first day back. Her original lead teacher is back from maternity leave, so I was a little worried about how she would take the transition. So far so good. I'm still really torn on if we should move them to MWF next year. It's SO expensive and I sort of want them with me longer, especially Isabel, who will be starting kindergarten the year after next. But then I worry about her transition from 4 hours 2x a week to 8 hours 5 days a week.

I've added a picture of Logan in his cute new outfit. Here's one of Isabel freezing. Apparently multiple layers (she's wearing tights under the pants, a long sleeve shirt AND sweater under the jaxket) weren't enough for the 45 degree temps. Geez, hope she never has to move someplace that actually gets cold! And a added a picture of Logan copying Isabel's every move.

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