Tuesday, March 22, 2011

So Big! Stairs and Sentences

Logan now realizes that everyone gets really excited when he started doing the 'so big' routine with Isabel. He gets a kick out of it and sometimes does it with such fury that he falls over backwards. He throws those arms up! He's also mastered the art of climbing up the stairs. He's FAST. I'm not sure how he does it so quickly. The annoying gate at the bottom of the stairs is back. He does not like it.

Isabel loves to talk about her day in little sentences. It's pretty funny and cute. I'm sure I'm the only person who understands her, and sometimes I'm not sure what she's saying. Yesterday we were out swinging and I told her I was going to get a bag to pick up Tank's poop. I came back out and told her we were out of bags so she says "Dog poop. Tank. Bags. All gone." While she said 'all gone' she flipped both of her palms up like "I don't know what we're going to do now." When Brian got home she ran to say hi but stopped short when she got to the edge of the swing set and said. "Poop. Tank." Brian asked her where the poop was and she pointed all over the yard. It was pretty amusing. Brian also told her that wasps will sting her and lightly pinched her hand to get the point across. Well, she took him very seriously and didn't want to go swing for 2 days because the 'wasp. sting' while pointing to her hand. Now when I see a pesky wasp all I have to do is say 'wasp, let's go to the back door.' and she runs over there. Tomorrow is western wear day at preschool. I'll see if Isabel will wear a cowgirl hat.

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