Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Logan's Ticker

Logan saw the pediatric cardiologist for his yearly checkup yesterday. All sounds good. They did an EKG, like they always do, but didn't do an ECHO. EKG was fine and didn't show any signs of long QT. Unfortunately Logan sees a different doctor than Isabel because at his 2 week visit Dr. Finnegan wasn't available. I like Logan's doctor, but Dr. Finnegan is just fantastic. We talked about them getting cardiac MRI's when they start playing sports and don't have to be sedated for it. Probably around middle school they'll get their first one.

While we were out meeting Brian for lunch and then seeing the doctor our refrigerator was valiantly trying to meet the demands of cooling off with the door wide open. I'm not going to say who left the door open, but let's just say that Isabel knows how to open the door. It usually closes itself, so I'm not sure what happened. I think I may have left the snack drawer open or something. Anyway, we had to toss a ton of food. $$$ down the drain. I'm ok with eating sketchy yogurt, but I'm not going to feed it to the babes. At least I got the scrub out the empty fridge. It was overdue and now looks sparkling!

It's the start of the Gold Cup today, so I'll try to get a picture of the kids in their red, white and blue up.

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