Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Almost there! *an out of order post*

I'll be starting the LAST section if our cabinet project tomorrow! Instead of taking it slow I've been going non stop. I use every single 'free' moment in my day working on them and then beg Brian to hang cabinets/remove cabinets/help me glaze, etc etc after the kids go to bed around 9 or 9:30. Yes, bedtime is being slowly pushed back these days. I'm still keeping the naps for as long as I can, so a later bedtime is ok with me. As soon as this last installment if cabinets is dry after the protective coat it's on to the last section!!! The easiest part is the painting and the hardest part has been the deglossing and the final protective coat. It is so hard to put on and make look good. It's really thick and will get tacky after being put on in about 30 seconds. You have to move fast and absolutely cannot go over a section you've already finished to try and touch it up. I do this almost every single time. You would think I would learn 'NO touch ups with the protective coat!' But no.

Logan has been doing really well with OT. He has stopped stuffing his mouth! Yay! I've been doing facial sensory exercises with him and it seems to be helping. He also seems to be done with his potty regression. Thank god! That was so frustrating.

Isabel has been growing up way too fast. She's so smart and funny. It just kills me to hear what comes out of her mouth. She's also getting so much better at saying 'hi' 'bye' 'please' and 'thank you.' She was having a really hard time with shyness and it seems to have made almost an overnight improvement. We'll see. Izzy climbed all the way across the monkey bars by herself at the playground!!! It was pretty amazing. She did it about 3 times and I got a video the last time. She was making the boys a little jealous. It was so funny.

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