Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Eczema and preschool day 2

Oh how I hate eczema! All 3 of my kiddos have suffered from it. Vivian had the least severe case. Isabel has some persistent patches behind her knees and on her feet. We have to use hydrocortisone cream every single day to keep it from really flaring up. I'll be glad when this crazy heat is over and the weather turns cooler. It should help things. Logan hasn't escaped the wrath of eczema, although I'm hoping what appears to be eczema is really just a case of 'cradle cap' on his cheeks. We've started aquaphoring him up at night. He's a greasy little butterball after his baths like his sisters.

Logan has also started waking up again around 1-2am. Boo. It must have been because I posted about how good of a sleeper he is. So now I'm waking up at 1am and 4:45am to feed him in order to get to the gym by 5:15am. Awesome. He's taking little catnaps throughout the day as well, so it makes it extremely difficult to get things done.

Isabel had her 2nd day of preschool yesterday. I didn't see any tears when I left. I didn't try to sneak out, but I'm not sure she really knew I was leaving. Of course Logan was crying, so I couldn't stay. When I picked her up she was excited to see me. As usual Logan was crying. that boy HATES his carseat and riding in the car. I would love to have those kids that fall asleep in the car, but no, all of my kids hate riding in the car and would cry for a long long time before falling asleep. It's irritating to hear people say 'oh, we had to ride him/her around in the car to get them to fall asleep.' That sounds awesome to me. You get to go for a ride and have some quiet time to yourself?! What are you complaining about?! I guess if I had to take a car ride every time I wanted my kid to sleep it could get old. Anyway, preschool was good. Her report said she was 'happy and playful the entire time.' :) She only took a 1.5 hour nap and was miserable the rest of the afternoon. I hate that. She was SO overtired, but wouldn't go back to sleep. I went in her room, rocked her, sang to her and gave her milk but she just wouldn't stop whining and crying. I put her back down in her crib and rubbed her back. She was just about to fall asleep when Logan started crying. I picked him up and was trying to juggle holding him with rubbing her back. After I got a cramp in my leg and my arm became numb I had to stop. I left and let her whine for about 20 minutes, but she just wouldn't go back to sleep. I put in a SOS call to Brian and he skipped the gym to get home earlier. Unfortunately with traffic he only got home about 15 minutes early. On the up side Brian has learned how to make the perfect martini! OMG. Amazing! When we got the kids to bed I had a two martini night and then crashed at 9:30pm.

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