Friday, October 8, 2010

Big Bug and Tiny Bug's Doctor visits

Today Isabel had her 18 month appointment (right on time) and Logan had his 4 month appointment (3 weeks late). Both are doing great. Isabel weighed in on the big girl scale, so no more undressing her! She's 28lbs which puts her up in the 90 percentile for weight and 32 inches long which is about 60th percentile. Isabel's hemangioma (benign blood vessel tumor) is shrinking, but the doctor will have us see a dermatologist when she's 2 if it's not gone. He said they can inject steroid shots to shrink it. Ew. That does not sound pleasant. We'll have to think about if we really want to do that seemingly cosmetic procedure. I'm sure she would thank me when she's 13 and wearing her hair in a ponytail if we decide to have it done. I'm getting a little fond of the spot myself, so we'll see. We have at least 6 months to think it over.

Logan weighed in on the baby scale at a whopping 14lbs. Yes, you read that correct, 14lbs. That makes him in about the 10th percentile for weight. His length was 25 inches which is about the 25th percentile. What happened to our humongous baby?! I guess his 'gooch' nickname isn't appropriate anymore. He might be an attacking mid or striker now instead of a sweeper or stopper. :) Izzy is still solid defense! We got a prescription for 1.5% cortisone cream and some more eye drops. Hopefully his little tear duct will open up before his 6 month check otherwise we get to see a baby ophthalmologist

Isabel had to sit in the 'principal's office' and think over why it's not ok to bite friends. I guess she was hugging her friend and decided to chomp on his cheek. Great. Let's hope she doesn't get kicked out of preschool.

I won't bore you with stories about how Logan isn't sleeping. We'll just say he's not a good sleeper. At all. And leave it at that.

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