Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sleep Deprivation

I know why sleep deprivation is used to torture terrorists. Holy crap. We aren't getting any sleep around here and man is it tough. I have no idea how Logan can be up for hours upon hours with just a 20 minute nap or no nap at all. It's insanity. Someone (Allyson) has to hold him almost all the time. He'll tolerate the exersaucer for a few minutes at a time. If Izzy is hanging out with him he'll watch her on the floor, but she likes to try to roll him around, so we have to be very careful. Anyway, it's tiring. I do love the Ergo though. It's allowed me to get out of the house.

Yesterday was a particularly tough day since I had a doctor appointment way up North and Isabel is sick, so I couldn't send her to school. I had to call Brian for help. What was supposed to be a quick appointment turned into a 2 hour ordeal with unexpected testing. Having a mammogram while breastfeeding is not that much fun. Everything is A-OK though. Isabel started running a fever yesterday and has a gross nose, but other than that she seems ok. Tylenol and lukewarm baths make her feel better. She's been sick for 8 days, so hopefully she'll be better today and tomorrow before we head to Houston. Logan was running a fever a couple of days ago, but has been fine otherwise.

Isabel is really trying to say new words now. She says 'brofer' for brother, mama, dad, bird, ball, da (dog), mill (milk), and yesterday she said 'yellow' clear as day when Brian asked her what color her ball was. She says uh-oh all.the.time. Whoever taught her that one needs to be shot. EVERYTHING is 'uh oh.'

I think I might pull out the doorway jumper for Logan and see if he'll sit in that today. For some reason I think it might end up with Izzy trying to launch him in the air like a slingshot. Watching her rock Logan in the swing is pretty entertaining. Logan's eyes get huge and he goes a little white until I rescue him from almost doing a full circle around the bar. Kidding.

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