Monday, November 29, 2010

The Yuans visit, Thanksgiving and sitting up

We welcomed Mark, Chelsea and Elizabeth back to Austin for a visit the weekend before Thanksgiving. We had a great time eating BBQ, playing with the babies and catching up. Chelsea and Allyson even got to go out to see a movie! Elizabeth is a super sweet girl. She was getting over a cold, but was still super laid back. She had great hairdos and I tried to comment on her pretty bows hoping that Isabel would want to wear some, but that didn't work out. Here is Izzy giving Elizabeth a kiss and the girls climbing the stairs.

Logan has been sitting up without crashing for longer and longer periods of time. I put the bobby behind him and he'll sit for a long time before falling back or to the side. I wouldn't call him a complete unassisted sitter yet, but he's almost there!

We had a lovely Thanksgiving in Houston with Grandma, Grandpa, Grammy, Papaw, Uncle Greg, and Aunt Jennifer. The drive over wasn't TOO bad. We've been testing out different departure, feeding, nap times, etc hoping that we can get a combination that equals the least amount of screaming by the fewest number of people. So far no matter what we do Logan always seems to scream for at least 1/3 of the trip. Luckily Isabel has become a pretty good passenger. We ate a yummy turkey that took only 2 hours to cook in Grandma's convection oven, mashed potatoes, biscuits, green bean casserole, corn casserole, and lots of other goodies. Isabel really enjoyed the turkey and corn and ate almost everything we gave her. She even reached over and took the corn casserole off of my plate. Logan relaxed and had a little nap while we ate.


Friday morning Brian and I headed out at 5am to do some shopping. We got a LOT. Brian was not a good shopper and got cranky. I think when the lady at Baby Gap raises her eyebrows and gives you a look like 'wow, sorry you have to deal with THAT' it's time to go home. So I took Brian home and picked up Grandma and Grandpa for more shopping around 9am. I got almost all of my shopping done!

Saturday was Vivian's birthday and Brian and I released a few balloons and had spaghetti for dinner. The drive back to Austin was miserable. Logan screamed for 1.5 hours straight. I even crammed in the back seat for the last 2 hours of the trip and even that didn't help. That kid REALLY hates the car. As soon as we got home and he got out of the car her was super happy again.

Oh yeah, we also watched the Aggies BTHO t.u.! Thanks to Grammy and Papaw for the cool new A&M shirts.

My little elf:

Logan riding Fargo:

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