Friday, August 3, 2012


I don't think I've mentioned our typical routines recently.  On a normal day I wake up around 4:30-4:45am.  I get my workout clothes on and hit the gym.  I get back around 6:45-7am.  Sometimes I can take an uninterrupted shower, but sometimes Isabel is already up.  She usually pretty good about watching a show and eating a banana in my room while I get ready.  After Logan gets up, usually around 7:30am we all get dressed, teeth brushed and hair done.  We head downstairs for breakfast.  I used to have everyone sit at the table and eat, but lately I've been handing out bananas while I've been getting ready upstairs, so breakfast is pretty on the go these days.  When I make oatmeal they sit and eat at the table.  Besides bananas and oatmeal, 'monkey yogurt' (Danimals smoothie type yogurt), and regular greek yogurt and toast are breakfast staples.

On Mondays we have My Gym class in the morning.  After My Gym we usually go home, but sometimes we hit up Target or do another errand.  It depends on how class went.  The My Gym class is a multi age class that is led by 2 teachers with active parent participation.  I'm constantly running between Isabel and Logan making sure they aren't getting into too much trouble or that they don't need help.  They do tumbling, gymnastics and we do songs in circle time. Logan is typically a pill during circle time.  He never wants to sit still.  He's always flying around the room while a teacher (or me) tries to wrangle him to sit down and participate.  He's been much better the past couple of weeks, so hopefully it will continue to get better.

After getting home we wash up and do lunch.  Logan is still in his booster, but Isabel has been at the regular table in a regular seat for a long time.  They don't really eat too much for lunch.  I usually do sandwiches with a veggie and fruit or leftover dinner.  If it's not blazing hot we'll go outside after lunch.  If it's too hot we just play in the playroom and read book.  Around 1 or 1:30pm they have a snack and will watch a show after cleaning up toys unless privileges have been lost.  At 2pm it's nap time.  Sometimes before if it was an early wake up. Isabel puts on a pull up for naptime.  Logan goes down with a sippy of milk (unless Brian puts him down) and pacis.  Isabel gets her hammie hammie and Thomas.  Both still sleep with movement monitors.  They usually sleep about 1.5 hours these days.  I usually clean and/or organize for the first 45 minutes to an hour and then watch tv or sleep the last 30 minutes.  Usually I sleep.  When they wake up they get milk, juice or water and a snack.  We play inside usually.  I almost always stay home the rest of the day because shit gets crazy around 4-5pm.  I thought the witching hour was just when they were infants, but in our house it's still happening.  They are usually super whiney and crabby and needy when it's time for me to get dinner going.  I usually have Logan on a hip and put on a stupid show for Isabel.  It's a rough time of day.  Brian gets home around 6pm and we immediately eat.  Again, not big eaters at meal time, but it's getting better.

After dinner Brian takes the kids while I clean up and then we all play until bath time, unless it's been a really bad day and I lock myself in the bedroom with my iPad to have alone time.  We do baths around 7:30pm and then watch a show until bed.  Bed is around 8pm for Logan and 9pm for Isabel.  Logan usually watches about 10 minutes of TV and is done.

Brian and I almost immediately go upstairs and watch some netflicks or DVR'd TV and we're asleep by 10:30-11pm.

Tuesday and Thursdays Isabel has preschool from 9am - 1:30pm.  We usually walk to school and get there around 9:30am.  I need to work on us getting out the door earlier.  I'll usually go home with Logan and then we'll either go to the park or run errands.  We get home, play and pick Isabel up.  I let them wind down with about 10 minutes of TV and then it's nap time.

Wednesdays Isabel had ballet.  She is very excited to get her tutu on and her hair in a bun.  I usually take Logan to the playground while she's in class.  We pick her up and either run errands or go home and play before lunch.

Fridays are swim lessons for Isabel.  Same schedule as Wednesday except I have to stay with Logan.  Poor thing just has to watch her swim.  :-(.  I would have him swim too, but he's not ready for an independent class like that and it is SO expensive.

So if you haven't noticed, it's all about Isabel.  I'm really hoping once Logan starts at preschool (in just 3 weeks) he'll adjust well and will be able to do some solo activities like Isabel.  It's just very difficult because Isabel is not at an age where I can just have her hang out by herself while I'm doing a class with Logan, but she's in so much I don't want to pay double for her to do Logan's activities.  I guess that's the breaks when you're not the oldest, right?!  Things should even out in the next year and I hope to get Logan in soccer or gymnastics.  It's just SO much $.  I mean, really.  I can't imagine paying $20/class for anything of my own, but to get my kids to learn how to swim I'll fork out the money.  I'm sure we'll be dropping My Gym when Logan starts doing his own stuff.  It's by far the most expensive activity and they're both in it, but we can use the active play facility any time they're open.  It's so nice when it's 100 degrees out and outdoor play is not going to happen.  If you're not in classes it's $7/kid each time you go!  Honestly I thought we would be using active play a lot more than we have, but we've been out of town a lot and have activities the other days.  Dance is now over for the summer, so maybe we'll start to go to My Gym on Wednesdays for active play.
Since I don't have any recent pictures I add some old ones.
Logan super tired.

Ball pit at My Gym

My Gym

Logan unhappy at My Gym

Practicing her ballet moves after her fist ballet class.

No idea

In the bathroom at dance class.  She wanted a picture.

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