Sunday, August 19, 2012

Last Day of School and The Big Boy Potty!

Isabel finished her last day as a Wild Thing in Ms. Annie, Ms. Tricia, Mr. Ricardo and Ms. Morgan's classroom on August 16th.  This year her lead teacher (Ms. Annie) left in July before we were back from vacation so Ms. Tricia, the assistant teacher, took over.  Ms. Morgan was added in take over as assistant teacher.  Mr. Ricardo has been with the class since October as an aide.  Anyway, we loved our teachers and friends in 2A!  I think Isabel has a great year and really learned a lot and played even harder.  Thank goodness, because that place ain't cheap!  We finished out the year with a pizza party on her last day and then had a pool party Saturday.  Unfortunately we got 15 minutes of rain and 2 booms of thunder during the 2 hour window we had for the party, so the party was cut short.  No rain after that.  Boo.  I'm crossing my fingers that we get some today because our yard is looking really bad.

Last day as a Wild Thing!


Missed it!  They were all lined up 'sleeping.'

Cookie cake!

Put your hands on your head if you want some cookie cake.

She shouldn't have been eating this.  Oops.  I realized it later on that night.


Logan and his buddy.

Ms. Morgan

Mr. Ricardo

Such a great picture of Izzy and Mr. Tricia!

Favorite pastime after school. Climbing the tree.

Saying goodbye

I just missed getting a picture of Izzy and Faye holding hands and hugging.  :-(  Isabel is going to be so so sad when she realized Faye is not in her new class.
 Senor Logan has taken an interest in the big boy potty.  Little dude is doing fantastic!  I'm trying not to get too excited because I think I was at this stage with Isabel for a while and then she just reverted and we gave up until a few months later when she decided she was really ready.  I'm a strong believer in kiddo led potty training.  I think it's more gentle for all involved.  I've seen so many parents really struggle for months on end trying to potty train a little one who just doesn't want to.  I remember Donna telling us to just wait until they're ready, not when it's convenient for you.  So anyway, I won't stress too much about it if we're in diapers again, but it's pretty darn nice to not have to clean poopy diapers anymore!  We're helping Logan all we can remember to use the potty and doing the potty dance when he does.  He's very proud of himself!  Even Izzy goes in and asks if he needs any help.  So funny.
Wash those hands!

Big Boy Unnawares are way too cute!
In other Logan news he's in a really big Mommy phase.  Apparently he CAN get more attached to me.  Now he will cry when Brian gets home at night from work.  I'm sure it makes Brian feel awesome.  I have to do everything with him and he freaks out with Brian.  I'm really hoping this is a short phase because it's exhausting.  He was fine yesterday morning when Brian got him up and I was already at the gym, but Brian said he started whining for me after a while.  I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried about how he's going to do in school this year.  He definitely is ready for some other friends besides his sister and his sister's friends, so I think this is going to be great for him.  Hopefully he feels the same way.

We decided to go out to eat DINNER last night at Chuy's.  Usually dinner out does not happen anymore.  It's just too stressful and not enjoyable right now.  We do Chipotle for lunch sometimes.  So last night we went to Chuy's at 6:10pm.  Probably the worst time, but we only had to wait about 25 minutes.  We ended up eating on the patio which worked out perfectly.  Isabel and Logan ran around in the little cornered off area with friends until dinner and then they both actually ate dinner!  It was amazing.  Brian and I were able to talk for at least 5 minutes!


Video of Logan with the front windows open.  I wish I could have gotten his face when the wind hit it the first time!  At the end he has clearly had enough.

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