Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Ate it!

Wednesdays.  They are so busy!  I picked Maddie up from school an hour early so that she and Izzy could have more time to play at the house before dance.  It's always a big chore to get them out the door to pick Logan up from therapy.  I know it's partly because they don't have much play time at the house before we have to leave.  It's so funny how super easy and well the girls play together at home, but transition and car times are so difficult.  It seems like there is an argument over everything.  Wrong cheese, wrong milk, wrong seat, etc etc.

So after picking Logan up from therapy and dropping the girls off at dance I manged to step off of the curb and totally eat it.  My 'bad' ankle twisted and I went down hard.  My only thought was 'please God don't let this be broken because I don't know how I will function if I can't workout for a month.'  No joke.  And then I thought 'I will be stuck at home because there is no way I can take Logan out without being able to chase after him.'  Luckily after the initial painful minutes I realized that it wasn't as bad as I thought and that I could walk on it.  I have some lovely pain in both my ankle and knee tonight, but as Brian lovingly reminded me-I'm getting old.

Brian's POS car is in the shop yet again.  I have a few 4 letter words for that heap of garbage.  Especially awesome after I just dropped $1350 at therapy today.  But at least I got this gem of an art project from Logan out of it:
Yep, he loves Maddie.  Pretty darn cute.

We had Isabel's school conference yesterday.  She is doing great and ready for Kindergarten next year.  Someone please please please slow down time!  I can't take it!  Her family portrait (that they apparently spent a lot of time working on) included Grandma.  There were 6 people, so I think Viv was in there too, although she didn't write her name out.  Her Valentine's Day party is tomorrow and I totally dropped the ball with the Valentines.  I forgot to have her write out the names and sign them.  Oh well.  I'll have her do what she can in the morning and finish the rest myself.

Never letting them eat here again.  Floor was a huge mess.  It was taco bar night.

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