Thursday, March 27, 2014

House stuff

First some cute pictures of the children's museum.  I took the kids and Maddie Friday afternoon.  It was slightly challenging taking two 4 year olds and a 3 year old by myself, but we had fun!  It was actually a lot of fun until we pushed it too far at the end and Logan decided to push a baby.  Oops.  After the museum I took the kids to chipotle.  That might have been a mistake.  Sorry to everyone eating at the chipotle in the mueller complex last Friday night!
Like a boss Logan climbed right up to the top!
This was adorable.  He kept trying to help other kids 'come on guys.  Just grab onto this rope and you can climb up!'
He was not happy that he couldn't paint anymore after his pushing incident.  So I took a picture.

My 'I'm exhausted' selfie.

We have neglected things around the house for a while.  It's just so hard to take the time to do time consuming tasks around the house on the weekends when the kids and I haven't spend much time with Brian during the week.  The kids see him for about 20 minutes in the morning (sometimes) and about 15-20 minutes at night during the week.  The weekends are so sacred.  We just want to hang out as a family.  With spring arriving and Isabel's party coming up we knew we really needed to start checking things off of the to-do list.  I started by pulling weeds a couple of weekends ago.  Not a small task.  I also picked up mulch last week and managed to get 1/2 a yard put down in the 1 hour and 45 minutes of kid free time on Thursday.  I was working!  It felt good!  Logan's bus driver is always joking with me about yard work/flowers/etcetera.  He told me I need to hire someone.  I guess he's not impressed with my work.  Ha!

Last weekend Grammy and Papaw came into town for a visit.  We let them watch the kids Saturday for most of the day while we did other various jobs around the house.  Sunday Brian cleared out the little area next to out back door that is fenced off but doesn't have anything in it except weeds.  He put down a ton of crushed granite.  So nice that we were taken out to a nice breakfast.  Brian needed the energy!
Helping with dinner Saturday night.

 She really wanted to sleep in our bed.  So we let her until we came up to sleep.  She wasn't happy when she had to move!

We needed up putting the kids' little table in the crushed granite area and they love it.  I let izzy pick out a flower plant for the table at the nursery.  We also bought a couple of tomatoe plants and some seeds for the garden.  I put down compost and we planted the garden.  Crossing my fingers we have growth!
Hard at work.
Enjoying dinner

Sunday night I remembered that I had signed up to make dinner for Brian's best buddy in Austin.  His wife just had baby #2.  So I went to the store in my glasses and basically PJs to get all of the ingredients.  Of course I see everyone I know there.  I even saw my spin instructor.  She goes 'wow I didn't recognize you in your glasses!'  I said 'yeah, but I'm still in my gym clothes, sort of.'  She said 'yeah, even in your cheap clothes.'  Hahaha...  She's from China, so I have a feeling she didn't mean it to sound like that, but it awesome.

Dinner was finally finished after 9pm and I crashed.  Hard.  Sleep after being physically exhausted is so awesome.  Brian got a text that dinner was awesome, so that made me feel good.  I made The Pioneer Woman's 'Best Lasagna. Ever.'  I know I've talked about it before, but it is damn good.  A sometimes treat.  I also made cookies, bread, and salad.  My family had something frozen for dinner.  I've tried to make a double batch of the lasagna before, but it's almost impossible.  I didn't have dishes big enough for some of the steps.  So I just made one.

The door for the master bedroom is in at Lowes.  Can't wait to finally get it fixed.  I almost had a repeat broken down door last night.  Logan has decided that he likes to lock the door when he goes into his bathroom.  I had the bath water going and the door was locked with him in it.  I can VERY close to breaking the door.  It was scary.  Ugh.  I need to have keys above all the doors, I guess.

Isabel is going in to see the allergy/asthma doctor tomorrow.  She's been using her rescue inhaler almost nightly (not because of distress, but based on peak flows) for the past month.  I thought she would start getting better readings once whatever allergen was in the air cleared up, but it's been the same.  So we need to reevaluate her maintenance meds.  I've been doing research on the side effects of her daily meds and they aren't nice.  I know almost all drugs have side effects.  Long term use of her inhaled steroid typically causes a loss of growth height-wise of an inch.  Her singular (her saviour drug) has more concerning side effects.  Many many many of the parents I keep in contact with via Facebook groups of kids with allergies/asthma have noted very drastic mood changes and aggression when there kids are in singular.  They've almost all said that after stopping the drug it goes away.  Isabel is very moody and quick to cry, but she's also 4.  Sometimes I do wonder if the drugs are affecting her mood.  The one time we took her off of singular for 5 days she ended up in the ICU with a collapsed lung.  Pretty sure I'll take moodines and aggression over the ICU any day.  But, I do get concerned when she's been on these drugs without a break for so long.

Have to add Isabel's beautiful creation she made.  All by herself .

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