Saturday, March 29, 2014

Lots to do...but

We have a big to do lost this weekend, but life got in the way.  We had soccer early.  Izzy did fantastic.  Super happy and excited to be playing soccer.  She scored all but one of the goals for her team.  She never gave up on defense and was so fun to watch.  She does so much better in the 2nd half of the game.  Each week she takes a half of the game to warm up I guess!  Her team got absolutely destroyed by the other team , but nobody cares.  The other team has also been playing together for a year.  I think Izzy's team did, and is doing, great. They all improve so much from game to game.

Logan had soccer starters today, but I had to leave for a hair appointment I had made 2 months ago.  Brian said he did better than last week and made it until 10:40 when he and izzy had to go potty.  Big improvement from last week.

After cleaning up we headed to Zilker to meet up with old friends who had moved to Houston.  The kids played so great together at the playground for almost 3 hours.  We road the train, watched the clown make balloon animals, got snow comes and played hard.
Logan LOVED the train!

So that led to about 0 time for cleaning out the study, painting the door, TV stand and speakers and doing things for the party next weekend.  Oh well.  There is always tomorrow!

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