Wednesday, March 19, 2014

What better time?

It's 8:25pm on a Wednesday night and Brian is changing the oil in the truck.  I wanted to pick up mulch this week for the weekend and the only time I could do it (the kids can't ride in the truck) is between 9:15am and 10:30am on a Tuesday or Thursday.  So hopefully I'll be able to pick up a ton of mulch tomorrow morning.  The truck leaked some oil after the last hard freeze, so hopefully it's nothing serious.  It happens when you have a 21 year old truck.

Speaking of things getting silly ankle that I twisted about about a month ago is still giving me problems off and on.  Not enough to see a doctor about or anything, just enough to be annoying.  Getting older I guess.

I have someone coming over to buy Isabel's rocking chair.  I sort of feel a little sad about it, but I honestly used the thing about 5 times total.  I would keep it, but there just isn't enough space in Izzy's room.  I think I'm going to double my money on it!  Well, minus the time and money Brian spent sanding it and painting it white.  The glider in Logan's room will be there forever.  That sucker was used to nurse and rock all 3 of my babies and I've put hundreds of hours on it.  We still read books to Logan in it!
She's Elsa.
Haha...we just added some new hardware to the fence gate and the door to the garage.

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