Friday, March 30, 2012

It's Friday, Friday!

Phew, (almost) made it! Last night sleep was horrible. Brian had something he needed to file with the PTO before midnight EST and I could't sleep. Logan was up a lot and Izzy leaked. The alarm for my 5:30am spin class made for a short night. Coffee is my best friend. Isabel was begging to go to My Gym again today, so we went out right when they opened and had the place to ourselves for a bit. Then a group of moms came and were increadibly high energy and chatty. I just didn't have the energy to make adult conversation today, so after an hour we headed to Target. They have these double seat things attached to regular carts at Target to me them really long, but otherwise you can only fit 1 kid in the regular carts. There was only 1 'kid cart' on the side where we entered. I was seriously day dreaming about the coffee I was about to get at the Starbucks in Target. I looked down an noticed puddles on each of the seats in the cart. I was like, wow, that's a lot of water left over from the rain we had 2 days ago. I tried to wipe it up with a baby wipe, but it was too much. The lady at customer service saw me and brought over some paper towels. We were cleaning up the water while I was trying to keep Logan out of it, when I realized that it smelled funny. I took a big whip and yep, it was pee. I almost vomited. For real. I gagged. I think the Target worker did the same. I took off for the restroom to scrub my hands and Logan and Isabel. After that stellar start to the shopping trip I was expecting nothing but disaster and quickly headed to get my coffee. With my grande coffee in hand I started flying through the store grabbing what I needed like one of those contestants on a timed grocery run. After a few minutes I realized that it was quiet in the store. No one was screaming. That meant MY kids weren't screaming! AWESOME trip!

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